- Anomalous complete synchronization in relay oscillators, Ranjib Banerjee, Sayan Acharya, Matjaž Perc, and Dibakar Ghosh, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (accepted)
- Impact of inter-city interactions on disease scaling, Nathalia A. Loureiro, Camilo R. Neto, Jack Sutton, Matjaž Perc, and Haroldo V. Ribeiro, Sci. Rep. 15, 498 (2025)
- Patterns of neuronal synchrony in higher-order networks, Soumen Majhi, Samali Ghosh, Palash Kumar Pal, Suvam Pal, Tapas Kumar Pal, Dibakar Ghosh, Jernej Završnik, and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Life Rev. 52, 144-170 (2025)
- Transitive to cyclic dominance in eco-evolutionary dynamics of strategic species, Sourav Roy, Soumen Majhi, Matjaž Perc, and Dibakar Ghosh, Proc. R. Soc. A (accepted)
- Synchronization levels in EEG connectivity during cognitive workloads while driving, Nafise Naseri, Fahimeh Nazarimehr, Farnaz Ghassemi, Sajad Jafari, Matjaž Perc, and Jernej Završnik, Nonlinear Dyn. (published online)
- The changing world dynamics of research performance, Marko Marhl, Rene Markovič, Vladimir Grubelnik, and Matjaž Perc, Scientometrics (published online)
- A holistic matrix norm-based alternative solution method for Markov reward games, Burhaneddin İzgi, Murat Özkaya, Nazım Kemal Üre, and Matjaž Perc, Appl. Math. Comput. 488, 129124 (2025)
- Limitation of time promotes cooperation in structured collaboration systems, Yichao Zhang, Jiasheng Wang, Guanghui Wen, Jihong Guan, Shuigeng Zhou, Guanrong Chen, Krishnendu Chatterjee, and Matjaž Perc, IEEE Trans. Netw. Sci. Eng. 12, 4-12 (2025)
- Distributed online optimization with edge-based event-triggered communication, Shuai Mao, Yateendra Mishra, Yu-Chu Tian, Matjaž Perc, and Yang Tang, Automatica 173, 112068 (2025)
- Robustness and resilience of complex networks, Oriol Artime, Marco Grassia, Manlio De Domenico, James P. Gleeson, Hernán A. Makse, Giuseppe Mangioni, Matjaž Perc, and Filippo Radicchi, Nat. Rev. Phys. 6, 114-131 (2024)
- From outcome-based to language-based preferences, Valerio Capraro, Joseph Y. Halpern, and Matjaž Perc, J. Econ. Lit. 62, 115-154 (2024)
- Evolutionary dynamics of any multiplayer game on regular graphs, Chaoqian Wang, Matjaž Perc, and Attila Szolnoki, Nat. Commun. 15, 5349 (2024)
- In search of the most cooperative network, Valerio Capraro and Matjaž Perc, Nat. Comput. Sci. 4, 257-258 (2024)
- Aging transitions of multimodal oscillators in multilayer networks, Uroš Barać, Matjaž Perc, and Marko Gosak, Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033269 (2024)
- Evolutionary mechanisms that promote cooperation may not promote social welfare, The Anh Han, Manh Hong Duong, and Matjaž Perc, J. R. Soc. Interface 21, 20240547 (2024)
- EEG channel and feature investigation in binary and multiple motor imagery task predictions, Murside Degirmenci, Yilmaz Kemal Yuce, Matjaž Perc, and Yalcin Isler, Front. Hum. Neurosci. 18, 1525139 (2024)
- Minimal universal laser network model: Synchronization, extreme events, and multistability, Mahtab Mehrabbeik, Fatemeh Parastesh, Karthikeyan Rajagopal, Sajad Jafari, Matjaž Perc, and Riccardo Meucci, Nonlinear Eng. 13, 20240044 (2024)
- The eco-evolutionary dynamics of two strategic species: From the predator-prey to the innocent-spreader rumor model, Subrata Ghosh, Sourav Roy, Matjaž Perc, and Dibakar Ghosh, J. Theor. Biol. 595, 111955 (2024)
- Dynamic multi-dose vaccination with initial immunity on higher-order networks, Yinuo Qian, Dawei Zhao, Chengyi Xia, Mahmut Özer, and Matjaž Perc, Proc. R. Soc. A 480, 20240512 (2024)
- Cross-sectional personal network analysis of adult smoking in rural areas, Bianca-Elena Mihăilă, Marian-Gabriel Hâncean, Matjaž Perc, Jürgen Lerner, Iulian Oană, Marius Geantă, José Luis Molina, and Cosmina Cioroboiu, R. Soc. Open Sci. 11, 241459 (2024)
- Mixing prisoner's dilemma games on higher-order networks, Juan Wang, Jindong Nie, Shiqiang Guo, Mahmut Özer, Chengyi Xia, and Matjaž Perc, Neurocomputing 607, 128439 (2024)
- Cooperation in the management of charitable resource flows, Jerneja Kastelic, Bin Pi, and Matjaž Perc, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 187, 115395 (2024)
- Focus on the disruption of networks and system dynamics, Peng Ji, Jan Nagler, Matjaž Perc, Michael Small, and Jinghua Xiao, Chaos 34, 080401 (2024)
- Reinforcement learning and collective cooperation on higher-order networks, Yan Xu, Juan Wang, Jiaxing Chen, Dawei Zhao, Mahmut Özer, Chengyi Xia, and Matjaž Perc, Knowl.-Based Syst. 301, 112326 (2024)
- Information sharing promotes cooperation among mobile individuals in multiplex networks, Wen-Jing Li, Zhi Chen, Luo-Luo Jiang, and Matjaž Perc, Nonlinear Dyn. 112, 20339-20352 (2024)
- Real-world applications of game theory and optimization, Dun Han, Jianrong Wang, Jianbo Wang, and Matjaž Perc, Front. Phys. 12, 1467004 (2024)
- Human complementation must aid automation to mitigate unemployment effects due to AI technologies in the labor market, Mahmut Özer and Matjaž Perc, Reflektif J. Soc. Sci. 5, 503-514 (2024)
- Global challenges after a global challenge: Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, Niloufar Yazdanpanah, Constantine Sedikides, Hans D. Ochs, Carlos A. Camargo Jr., Gary L. Darmstadt, Artemi Cerda, Valentina Cauda, Godefridus J. Peters, Frank Sellke, Nathan D. Wong, Elisabetta Comini, Alberto Ruiz Jimeno, Vivette Glover, Nikos Hatziargyriou, Christian E. Vincenot, Stéphane P. A. Bordas, Idupulapati M. Rao, Hassan Abolhassani, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, Ralf Weiskirchen, Manoj Gupta, Shyam Singh Chandel, Bolajoko O. Olusanya, Bruce Cheson, Alessio Pomponio, Michael Tanzer, Paul S. Myles, Wen-Xiu Ma, Federico Bella, Saeid Ghavami, S. Moein Moghimi, Domenico Pratico, Alfredo M. Hernandez, Maria Martinez Urbistondo, Diego Martinez Urbistondo, Seyed-Mohammad Fereshtehnejad, Imran Ali, Shinya Kimura, A. Wallace Hayes, Wenju Cai, Chua K. J. Ernest, Sabu Thomas, Kazem Rahimi, Armin Sorooshian, Michael Schreiber, Koichi Kato, John H. T. Luong, Stefano Pluchino, Andres M. Lozano, John F. Seymour, Kenneth S. Kosik, Stefan G. Hofmann, Roger S. McIntyre, Matjaž Perc, Alexander Leemans, Robyn S. Klein, Shuji Ogino, Christopher Wlezien, George Perry, Juan J. Nieto, Lisa Levin, Daniel J. Klionsky, Bahram Mobasher, Tommaso Dorigo, Nima Rezaei, and USERN Advisory Board Members, The COVID-19 Aftermath (ed.), 1-31 (2024)
- Global synchronization in generalized multilayer higher-order networks, Palash Kumar Pal, Md Sayeed Anwar, Matjaž Perc, and Dibakar Ghosh, Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033003 (2024)
- Weak synaptic connections may facilitate spiral wave formation under source-sink interactions, Dorsa Nezhad Hajian, Fatemeh Parastesh, Karthikeyan Rajagopal, Sajad Jafari, and Matjaž Perc, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 136, 108096 (2024)
- Information dynamics in evolving networks based on the birth-death process: Random drift and natural selection perspective, Minyu Feng, Ziyan Zeng, Matjaž Perc, Qin Li, and Jürgen Kurths, IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern., Syst. 54, 5123-5136 (2024)
- The spatial dynamics and phase transitions in non-identical swarmalators, Sheida Ansarinasab, Fahimeh Nazarimehr, Gourab Kumar Sar, Farnaz Ghassemi, Dibakar Ghosh, Sajad Jafari, and Matjaž Perc, Nonlinear Dyn. 112, 10465-10483 (2024)
- Social norms and cooperation in higher-order networks, Yin-Jie Ma, Zhi-Qiang Jiang, Fan-Shu Fang, Matjaž Perc, and Stefano Boccaletti, Proc. R. Soc. A 480, 20240066 (2024)
- Extending dynamic memory of spiking neuron networks, Vladimir V. Klinshov, Andrey V. Kovalchuk, Igor A. Soloviev, Oleg V. Maslennikov, Igor Franović, and Matjaž Perc, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 182, 114850 (2024)
- Participatory management can help AI ethics adhere to the social consensus, Mahmut Özer, Matjaž Perc, and Hayri Eren Suna, İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Dergisi 44, 221-238 (2024)
- The eco-evolutionary dynamics of strategic species, Sourav Roy, Subrata Ghosh, Arindam Saha, Prakash Chandra Mali, Matjaž Perc, and Dibakar Ghosh, Proc. R. Soc. A 480, 20240127 (2024)
- Characterizing unstructured data with the nearest neighbor permutation entropy, Leonardo G. J. M. Voltarelli, Arthur A. B. Pessa, Luciano Zunino, Rafael S. Zola, Ervin K. Lenzi, Matjaž Perc, and Haroldo V. Ribeiro, Chaos 34, 053130 (2024)
- Online media use and COVID-19 vaccination in real-world personal networks: Quantitative study, Iulian Oană, Marian-Gabriel Hâncean, Matjaž Perc, Jürgen Lerner, Bianca-Elena Mihăilă, Marius Geantă, José Luis Molina, Isabela Tincă, and Carolina Espina, J. Med. Internet Res. 26, e58257 (2024)
- Dynamics of parkinsonian oscillations mediated by transmission delays in a mean-field model of the basal ganglia, Atefeh Asadi, Mojtaba Madadi Asl, Alireza Valizadeh, and Matjaž Perc, Front. Cell. Neurosci. 18, 1344149 (2024)
- Bird's-eye view of Slovenian pediatrics reveals complexity but also consistency, Jernej Završnik and Matjaž Perc, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 181, 114711 (2024)
- Matrix norm based hybrid Shapley and iterative methods for the solution of stochastic matrix games, Burhaneddin İzgi, Murat Özkaya, Nazım Kemal Üre, and Matjaž Perc, Appl. Math. Comput. 473, 128638 (2024)
- EEG-based finger movement classification with intrinsic time-scale decomposition, Mürşide Değirmenci, Yilmaz Kemal Yuce, Matjaž Perc, and Yalcin Isler, Front. Hum. Neurosci. 18, 1362135 (2024)
- Collective dynamics of swarmalators with higher-order interactions, Md Sayeed Anwar, Gourab Kumar Sar, Matjaž Perc, and Dibakar Ghosh, Commun. Phys. 7, 59 (2024)
- Language-based game theory in the age of artificial intelligence, Valerio Capraro, Roberto Di Paolo, Matjaž Perc, and Veronica Pizziol, J. R. Soc. Interface 21, 20230720 (2024)
- Artificial intelligence bias and the amplification of inequalities in the labor market, Mahmut Özer, Matjaž Perc, and Hayri Eren Suna, J. Econ. Cult. Soc. 69, 159-168 (2024)
- Topological features of spike trains in recurrent spiking neural networks that are trained to generate spatiotemporal patterns, Oleg V. Maslennikov, Matjaž Perc, and Vladimir Nekorkin, Front. Comput. Neurosci. 18, 1363514 (2024)
- Assortative mixing of opinions about COVID-19 vaccination in personal networks, Marian-Gabriel Hâncean, Jürgen Lerner, Matjaž Perc, José Luis Molina, and Marius Geantă, Sci. Rep. 14, 3385 (2024)
- Success-driven opinion formation determines social tensions, Manuel Chica, Matjaž Perc, and Francisco C. Santos, iScience 27, 109254 (2024)
- Processed food intake assortativity in the personal networks of East European older adults, Marian-Gabriel Hâncean, Jürgen Lerner, Matjaž Perc, José Luis Molina, Marius Geantă, Iulian Oană, Bianca-Elena Mihăilă, and Simona-Elena Puncioiu, medRxiv (2024)
- The SIQRS propagation model with quarantine on simplicial complexes, Jiaxing Chen, Chengyi Xia, and Matjaž Perc, IEEE Trans. Comput. Soc. Syst. 11, 4267-4278 (2024)
- Medium inhomogeneities modulate emerging spiral waves, Dorsa Nezhad Hajian, Fatemeh Parastesh, Sajad Jafari, Matjaž Perc, and Eva Klemenčič, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 179, 114413 (2024)
- Effects of coupling on extremely multistable fractional-order systems, Karthikeyan Rajagopal, Fatemeh Parastesh, Hamid Reza Abdolmohammadi, Sajad Jafari, Matjaž Perc, and Eva Klemenčič, Chin. J. Phys. 87, 246-255 (2024)
- Utility coupling promotes cooperation in multiplayer snowdrift games on interdependent simplicial networks, Juan Wang, Shiqiang Guo, Chengyi Xia, and Matjaž Perc, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 233, 831-842 (2024)
- Interaction state Q-learning promotes cooperation in the spatial prisoner's dilemma game, Zhengzhi Yang, Lei Zheng, Matjaž Perc, and Yumeng Li, Appl. Math. Comput. 463, 128364 (2024)
- The complexity and interconnectedness of circular cities and the circular economy for sustainability, Kristijan Brglez, Matjaž Perc, and Rebeka Kovačič Lukman, Sustain. Dev. 32, 2049-2065 (2024)
- Cooperation and acting for the greater good during the COVID-19 pandemic, Valerio Capraro, Paulo S. Boggio, Robert Böhm, Matjaž Perc, and Hallgeir Sjåstad, The Social Science of the COVID-19 Pandemic (ed.), 164-181 (2024)
- Why are there six degrees of separation in a social network?, Ivan Samoylenko, David Aleja, Eva Primo, Karin Alfaro-Bittner, Ekaterina Vasilyeva, Kirill Kovalenko, Daniil Musatov, Andrei M. Raigorodskii, Regino Criado, Miguel Romance, David Papo, Matjaž Perc, Baruch Barzel, and Stefano Boccaletti, Phys. Rev. X 13, 021032 (2023)
- Signal propagation in complex networks, Peng Ji, Jiachen Ye, Yu Mu, Wei Lin, Yang Tian, Chittaranjan Hens, Matjaž Perc, Yang Tang, Jie Sun, and Jürgen Kurths, Phys. Rep. 1017, 1-96 (2023)
- Universal productivity patterns in research careers, Andre S. Sunahara, Matjaž Perc, and Haroldo V. Ribeiro, Phys. Rev. Research 5, 043203 (2023)
- Interplay between particle trapping and heterogeneity in anomalous diffusion, Haroldo V. Ribeiro, Angel A. Tateishi, Ervin K. Lenzi, Richard L. Magin, and Matjaž Perc, Commun. Phys. 6, 244 (2023)
- Chirality and curvature determine the meandering of spirals in multilayer excitable media, Dorsa Nezhad Hajian, Fatemeh Parastesh, Karthikeyan Rajagopal, Sajad Jafari, Matjaž Perc, and Eva Klemenčič, Proc. R. Soc. A 479, 20230730 (2023)
- When do chemical synapses modulate the formation of spiral waves?, Dorsa Nezhad Hajian, Fatemeh Parastesh, Karthikeyan Rajagopal, Sajad Jafari, and Matjaž Perc, Nonlinear Dyn. 111, 22551-22565 (2023)
- Time delays shape the eco-evolutionary dynamics of cooperation, Sourav Roy, Sayantan Nag Chowdhury, Srilena Kundu, Gourab Kumar Sar, Jeet Banerjee, Biswambhar Rakshit, Prakash Chandra Mali, Matjaž Perc, and Dibakar Ghosh, Sci. Rep. 13, 14331 (2023)
- Synchronization in simplicial complexes of memristive Rulkov neurons, Mahtab Mehrabbeik, Sajad Jafari, and Matjaž Perc, Front. Comput. Neurosci. 17, 1248976 (2023)
- The impact of heterogeneous human activity on vegetation patterns in arid environments, Li-Feng Hou, Gui-Quan Sun, and Matjaž Perc, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 126, 107461 (2023)
- Complexity of the COVID-19 pandemic in Maringa, Andre S. Sunahara, Arthur A. B. Pessa, Matjaž Perc, and Haroldo V. Ribeiro, Sci. Rep. 13, 12695 (2023)
- Self-organization in Slovenian public spending, Jelena Joksimović, Matjaž Perc, and Zoran Levnajić, R. Soc. Open Sci. 10, 221279 (2023)
- A conceptual model for a circular city: A case study of Maribor, Slovenia, Kristijan Brglez, Matjaž Perc, and Rebeka Kovačič Lukman, Clean Technol. Environ. Policy 26, 45-65 (2024)
- Statistically significant features improve binary and multiple motor imagery task predictions from EEGs, Murside Degirmenci, Yilmaz Kemal Yuce, Matjaž Perc, and Yalcin Isler, Front. Hum. Neurosci. 11, 1223307 (2023)
- Profiling of patients with type 2 diabetes based on medication adherence data, Rene Markovič, Vladimir Grubelnik, Tadej Završnik, Helena Blažun Vošner, Peter Kokol, Matjaž Perc, Marko Marhl, Matej Završnik, and Jernej Završnik, Front. Public Health 11, 1209809 (2023)
- Synchronization and multistability in a network of diffusively coupled laser models, Mahtab Mehrabbeik, Sajad Jafari, Riccardo Meucci, and Matjaž Perc, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 125, 107380 (2023)
- Rewarding policies in an asymmetric game for sustainable tourism, Manuel Chica, Juan M. Hernández, and Matjaž Perc, Appl. Math. Comput. 457, 128183 (2023)
- Unexpected paths to cooperation on tied hyperbolic networks, Maja Duh, Marko Gosak, and Matjaž Perc, EPL 142, 62002 (2023)
- Epidemic trajectories and awareness diffusion among unequals in simplicial complexes, Lijin Liu, Meiling Feng, Chengyi Xia, Dawei Zhao, and Matjaž Perc, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 173, 113657 (2023)
- Third-party intervention of cooperation in multilayer networks, Hao Guo, Zhao Song, Matjaž Perc, Xuelong Li, and Zhen Wang, IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern., Syst. 53, 6646-6657 (2023)
- Uncovering the secrets of nature's design, Marko Gosak, Marko Milojević, Maja Duh, Kristijan Skok, and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Life Rev. 46, 65-68 (2023)
- Deep learning criminal networks, Haroldo V. Ribeiro, Diego D. Lopes, Arthur A. B. Pessa, Alvaro F. Martins, Bruno R. da Cunha, Sebastián Gonçalves, Ervin K. Lenzi, Quentin S. Hanley, and Matjaž Perc, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 172, 113579 (2023)
- Universal research index: An inclusive metric to quantify scientific research output, Mahsa Keshavarz-Fathi, Niloufar Yazdanpanah, Sajad Kolahchi, Heliya Ziaei, Gary L. Darmstadt, Tommaso Dorigo, Filip Dochy, Lisa Levin, Visith Thongboonkerd, Shuji Ogino, Wei-Hsin Chen, Matjaž Perc, Mark S. Tremblay, Bolajoko O. Olusanya, Idupulapati M. Rao, Nikos Hatziargyriou, Maziar Moradi-Lakeh, Federico Bella, László Rosivall, Amir H. Gandomi, Armin Sorooshian, Manoj Gupta, Ciprian Gal, Andres M. Lozano, Connie Weaver, Michael Tanzer, Alessandro Poggi, Sadaf G. Sepanlou, Ralf Weiskirchen, Anet Režek Jambrak, Pedro J. Torres, Esra Capanoglu, Francisco J. Barba, Kian Jon Chua, Mariano Sigman, Stefano Pluchino, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, Seyed-Mohammad Fereshtehnejad, Muh-Hwa Yang, Sabu Thomas, Wenju Cai, Elisabetta Comini, Neil J. Scolding, Paul S. Myles, Juan J. Nieto, George Perry, Constantine Sedikides, Nima Rezaei, and USERN Advisory Board Members, J. Acad. Librariansh. 49, 102714 (2023)
- Deterrence through punishment can resolve collective risk dilemmas in carbon emission games, Luo-Luo Jiang, Zhi Chen, Matjaž Perc, Zhen Wang, Jürgen Kurths, and Yamir Moreno, Chaos 33, 043127 (2023)
- Cumulative advantage is a double-edge sword for cooperation, Kaipeng Hu, Lei Shi, Yewei Tao, and Matjaž Perc, EPL 142, 21001 (2023)
- Complex evolutionary interactions in multiple populations, Kaipeng Hu, Pengyue Wang, Junzhou He, Matjaž Perc, and Lei Shi, Phys. Rev. E 107, 044301 (2023)
- Determinants of collective failure in excitable networks, Uroš Barać, Matjaž Perc, and Marko Gosak, Chaos 33, 043120 (2023)
- The dynamics of a duopoly Stackelberg game with marginal costs among heterogeneous players, Atefeh Ahmadi, Sourav Roy, Mahtab Mehrabbeik, Dibakar Ghosh, Sajad Jafari, and Matjaž Perc, PLoS ONE 18, e0283757 (2023)
- Principal component analysis and manifold learning techniques for the design of brain-computer interfaces based on steady-state visually evoked potentials, Bartu Yesilkaya, Ebru Sayilgan, Yilmaz Kemal Yuce, Matjaž Perc, and Yalcin Isler, J. Comput. Sci. 68, 102000 (2023)
- Reputation and reciprocity, Chengyi Xia, Juan Wang, Matjaž Perc, and Zhen Wang, Phys. Life Rev. 46, 8-45 (2023)
- Sociophysics: Social collective behavior from the physics point of view, Marcos G. E. da Luz, Celia Anteneodo, Nuno Crokidakis, and Matjaž Perc, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 170, 113379 (2023)
- Social mobility and network reciprocity shape cooperation in collaborative networks, Wen-Jing Li, Zhi Chen, Jun Wang, Luo-Luo Jiang, and Matjaž Perc, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 170, 113378 (2023)
- Machine learning driven extended matrix norm method for the solution of large-scale zero-sum matrix games, Burhaneddin İzgi, Murat Özkaya, Nazım Kemal Üre, and Matjaž Perc, J. Comput. Sci. 68, 101997 (2023)
- Age and market capitalization drive large price variations of cryptocurrencies, Arthur A. B. Pessa, Matjaž Perc, and Haroldo V. Ribeiro, Sci. Rep. 13, 3351 (2023)
- Explosive synchronization dependence on initial conditions: The minimal Kuramoto model, Atiyeh Bayani, Sajad Jafari, Hamed Azarnoush, Fahimeh Nazarimehr, Stefano Boccaletti, and Matjaž Perc, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 169, 113243 (2023)
- Functional characteristics of hub and wave initiator cells in beta cell networks, Marko Šterk, Jurij Dolenšek, Maša Skelin Klemen, Lidija Križančić Bombek, Eva Paradiž Leitgeb, Jasmina Kerčmar, Matjaž Perc, Marjan Slak Rupnik, Andraž Stožer, and Marko Gosak, Biophys. J. 122, 784-801 (2023)
- Double stochastic resonance in neuronal dynamics due to astrocytes, Tugba Palabas, Joaquín J. Torres, Matjaž Perc, and Muhammet Uzuntarla, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 168, 113140 (2023)
- Eco-evolutionary cyclic dominance among predators, prey, and parasites, Sayantan Nag Chowdhury, Jeet Banerjee, Matjaž Perc, and Dibakar Ghosh, J. Theor. Biol. 564, 111446 (2023)
- Evolutionary games with two species and delayed reciprocity, Kaipeng Hu, Zhouhong Li, Lei Shi, and Matjaž Perc, Nonlinear Dyn. 111, 7899-7910 (2023)
- Turing patterns in simplicial complexes, Shupeng Gao, Lili Chang, Matjaž Perc, and Zhen Wang, Phys. Rev. E 107, 014216 (2023)
- Oppressed species can form a winning pair in a multi-species ecosystem, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, Appl. Math. Comput. 438, 127568 (2023)
- A distributed dynamic event-triggered algorithm with linear convergence rate for the economic dispatch problem, Ziwei Dong, Shuai Mao, Matjaž Perc, Wei Du, and Yang Tang, IEEE Trans. Netw. Sci. Eng. 10, 500-513 (2023)
- Flexible patterns of information transfer in frustrated networks of phase oscillators, Saideh Khatami, Ehsan Bolhasani, Matjaž Perc, and Alireza Valizadeh, Nonlinear Dyn. 111, 2681-2691 (2023)
- Extended matrix norm method: Applications to bimatrix games and convergence results, Burhaneddin İzgi, Murat Özkaya, Nazım Kemal Üre, and Matjaž Perc, Appl. Math. Comput. 438, 127553 (2023)
- Complex systems in the spotlight: Next steps after the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics, Ginestra Bianconi, Alex Arenas, Jacob Biamonte, Lincoln D. Carr, Byungnam Kahng, Janos Kertesz, Jürgen Kurths, Linyuan Lü, Cristina Masoller, Adilson E. Motter, Matjaž Perc, Filippo Radicchi, Ramakrishna Ramaswamy, Francisco A. Rodrigues, Marta Sales-Pardo, Maxi San Miguel, Stefan Thurner, and Taha Yasseri, J. Phys. Complex. 4, 010201 (2023)
- Social physics, Marko Jusup, Petter Holme, Kiyoshi Kanazawa, Misako Takayasu, Ivan Romić, Zhen Wang, Sunčana Geček, Tomislav Lipić, Boris Podobnik, Lin Wang, Wei Luo, Tin Klanjšček, Jingfang Fan, Stefano Boccaletti, and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rep. 948, 1-148 (2022)
- Machine learning partners in criminal networks, Diego D. Lopes, Bruno R. da Cunha, Alvaro F. Martins, Sebastián Gonçalves, Ervin K. Lenzi, Quentin S. Hanley, Matjaž Perc, and Haroldo V. Ribeiro, Sci. Rep. 12, 15746 (2022)
- A game theoretical model for the stimulation of public cooperation in environmental collaborative governance, Yinhai Fang, Matjaž Perc, and Hui Zhang, R. Soc. Open Sci. 9, 221148 (2022)
- Axioms of decision criteria for 3D matrix games and their applications, Murat Özkaya, Burhaneddin İzgi, and Matjaž Perc, Mathematics 10, 4524 (2022)
- Diffusion of resources and their impact on epidemic spreading in multilayer networks with simplicial complexes, Qingyi Sun, Zhishuang Wang, Dawei Zhao, Chengyi Xia, and Matjaž Perc, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 164, 112734 (2022)
- Improving equality in the education system of Turkiye, Mahmut Özer and Matjaž Perc, İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Dergisi 42, 325-334 (2022)
- Reinforcement learning facilitates an optimal interaction intensity for cooperation, Zhao Song, Hao Guo, Danyang Jia, Matjaž Perc, Xuelong Li, and Zhen Wang, Neurocomputing 513, 104-113 (2022)
- Occupations and their impact on the spreading of COVID-19 in urban communities, Marian-Gabriel Hâncean, Jürgen Lerner, Matjaž Perc, Iulian Oană, David-Andrei Bunaciu, Adelina Alexandra Stoica, and Maria Cristina Ghiță, Sci. Rep. 12, 14115 (2022)
- Options for mobility and network reciprocity to jointly yield robust cooperation in social dilemmas, Wen-Jing Li, Zhi Chen, Ke-Zhong Jin, Jun Wang, Lin Yuan, Changgui Gu, Luo-Luo Jiang, and Matjaž Perc, Appl. Math. Comput. 435, 127456 (2022)
- Eco-evolutionary dynamics of multigames with mutations, Sourav Roy, Sayantan Nag Chowdhury, Prakash Chandra Mali, Matjaž Perc, and Dibakar Ghosh, PLoS ONE 17, e0272719 (2022)
- Manifold learning methods for the diagnosis of ovarian cancer, Bartu Yesilkaya, Matjaž Perc, and Yalcin Isler, J. Comput. Sci. 63, 101775 (2022)
- Replicator dynamics of public goods games with global exclusion, Xiaofeng Wang and Matjaž Perc, Chaos 32, 073132 (2022)
- The physics of cities, Fabiano L. Ribeiro, Matjaž Perc, and Haroldo V. Ribeiro, Front. Phys. 10, 964701 (2022)
- Turkey's transition to face-to-face schooling during the COVID-19 pandemic, Mahmut Özer, Hayri Eren Suna, Matjaž Perc, Sadri Şensoy, and Sevil Uygun İlikhan, Turk. J. Med. Sci. 52, 529-540 (2022)
- Computational modeling of targeted temperature management in post-cardiac arrest patients, Maja Duh, Kristijan Skok, Matjaž Perc, Andrej Markota, and Marko Gosak, Biomech. Model. Mechanobiol. 21, 1407-1424 (2022)
- Kolmogorov compression complexity may differentiate different schools of Orthodox iconography, Daniel Peptenatu, Ion Andronache, Helmut Ahammer, Richard Taylor, Ioannis Liritzis, Marko Radulovic, Bogdan Ciobanu, Marin Burcea, Matjaž Perc, Tuan D. Pham, Bojan M. Tomić, Cosmin Iulian Cîrstea, Adrian Nicolae Lemeni, Andreea Karina Gruia, Alexandra Grecu, Marian Marin, and Herbert Franz Jelinek, Sci. Rep. 12, 10743 (2022)
- Cryptocurrency price analysis with ordinal partition networks, Zahra Shahriari, Fahimeh Nazarimehr, Karthikeyan Rajagopal, Sajad Jafari, Matjaž Perc, and Milan Svetec, Appl. Math. Comput. 430, 127237 (2022)
- Clustering free-falling paper motion with complexity and entropy, Arthur A. B. Pessa, Matjaž Perc, and Haroldo V. Ribeiro, EPL 138, 30003 (2022)
- Disaggregated data on age and sex for the first 250 days of the COVID-19 pandemic in Bucharest, Romania, Marian-Gabriel Hâncean, Maria Cristina Ghiță, Matjaž Perc, Jürgen Lerner, Iulian Oană, Bianca-Elena Mihăilă, Adelina Alexandra Stoica, and David-Andrei Bunaciu, Sci. Data 9, 253 (2022)
- Interlayer and intralayer synchronization in multiplex fractional-order neuronal networks, Bo Yan, Fatemeh Parastesh, Shaobo He, Karthikeyan Rajagopal, Sajad Jafari, and Matjaž Perc, Fractals 30, 2240194 (2022)
- Blinking coupling enhances network synchronization, Fatemeh Parastesh, Karthikeyan Rajagopal, Sajad Jafari, Matjaž Perc, and Eckehard Schöll, Phys. Rev. E 105, 054304 (2022)
- Universality of political corruption networks, Alvaro F. Martins, Bruno R. da Cunha, Quentin S. Hanley, Sebastián Gonçalves, Matjaž Perc, and Haroldo V. Ribeiro, Sci. Rep. 12, 6858 (2022)
- Segregation dynamics driven by network leaders, Wenxuan Wang, Yuhao Feng, Siru Chen, Wenzhe Xu, Xinjian Zhuo, Hui-Jia Li, and Matjaž Perc, New J. Phys. 24, 053007 (2022)
- Vector centrality in hypergraphs, Kirill Kovalenko, Miguel Romance, Ekaterina Vasilyeva, David Aleja, Regino Criado, Daniil Musatov, Andrei M. Raigorodskii, Julio Flores, Ivan Samoylenko, Karin Alfaro-Bittner, Matjaž Perc, and Stefano Boccaletti, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 162, 112397 (2022)
- Sustainability in tourism determined by an asymmetric game with mobility, Manuel Chica, Juan M. Hernández, and Matjaž Perc, J. Clean. Prod. 355, 131662 (2022)
- Epidemics on multilayer simplicial complexes, Junfeng Fan, Qian Yin, Chengyi Xia, and Matjaž Perc, Proc. R. Soc. A 478, 20220059 (2022)
- Rate chaos and memory lifetime in spiking neural networks, Vladimir V. Klinshov, Andrey V. Kovalchuk, Igor Franović, Matjaž Perc, and Milan Svetec, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 158, 112011 (2022)
- Dynamics on higher-order networks: A review, Soumen Majhi, Matjaž Perc, and Dibakar Ghosh, J. R. Soc. Interface 19, 20220043 (2022)
- Networks behind the morphology and structural design of living systems, Marko Gosak, Marko Milojević, Maja Duh, Kristijan Skok, and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Life Rev. 41, 1-21 (2022)
- Levy noise promotes cooperation in the prisoner's dilemma game with reinforcement learning, Lu Wang, Danyang Jia, Long Zhang, Peican Zhu, Matjaž Perc, Lei Shi, and Zhen Wang, Nonlinear Dyn. 108, 1837-1845 (2022)
- Nanowars can cause epidemic resurgence and fail to promote cooperation, Dirk Helbing and Matjaž Perc, arXiv (2022)
- Europe must come together to confront omicron, André Calero Valdez, Emil Nafis Iftekhar, Martin McKee, Miquel Oliu-Barton, Robert Böhm, Sarah Cuschieri, Thomas Czypionka, Uga Dumpis, Giulia Giordano, Claudia Hanson, Zdenek Hel, Anna Helova, Ilona Kickbusch, Lilian Kojan, Mirjam Kretzschmar, Tyll Krüger, Jenny Krutzinna, Berit Lange, Jeffrey V. Lazarus, Helena Machado, Kai Nagel, Matjaž Perc, Elena Petelos, Nedyu Popivanov, Bary S. R. Pradelski, Barbara Prainsack, Kay Schröder, Sotirios Tsiodras, Paul Wilmes, and Guntram Wolff, BMJ 376, o90 (2022)
- Eliminating poverty through social mobility promotes cooperation in social dilemmas, Wen-Jing Li, Zhi Chen, Ke-Zhong Jin, Lan Li, Lin Yuan, Luo-Luo Jiang, Matjaž Perc, and Jürgen Kurths, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 156, 111845 (2022)
- Swarmalators under competitive time-varying phase interactions, Gourab K. Sar, Sayantan Nag Chowdhury, Matjaž Perc, and Dibakar Ghosh, New J. Phys. 24, 043004 (2022)
- Synchronization in Hindmarsh-Rose neurons subject to higher-order interactions, Fatemeh Parastesh, Mahtab Mehrabbeik, Karthikeyan Rajagopal, Sajad Jafari, and Matjaž Perc, Chaos 32, 013125 (2022)
- The formation of political discussion networks, Marian-Gabriel Hâncean, Matjaž Perc, Adrian Gheorghiță, George G. Vega Yon, and Bianca-Elena Mihăilă, R. Soc. Open Sci. 9, 211609 (2022)
- Collective games on hypergraphs, Unai Alvarez-Rodriguez, Federico Battiston, Guilherme Ferraz de Arruda, Yamir Moreno, Matjaž Perc, and Vito Latora, Higher-Order Systems (eds.), 377-388 (2022)
- The benefits, costs and feasibility of a low incidence COVID-19 strategy, Thomas Czypionka, Emil Nafis Iftekhar, Barbara Prainsack, Viola Priesemann, Simon Bauer, André Calero Valdez, Sarah Cuschieri, Enrico Glaab, Eva Grill, Jenny Krutzinna, Christos Lionis, Helena Machado, Carlos Martins, George N. Pavlakis, Matjaž Perc, Elena Petelos, Martyn Pickersgill, Alexander Skupin, Eva Schernhammer, Ewa Szczurek, Sotirios Tsiodras, Peter Willeit, and Paul Wilmes, Lancet Reg. Health Eur. 13, 100294 (2022)
- Chimera states in a multi-weighted neuronal network, Iqtadar Hussain, Sajad Jafari, Matjaž Perc, and Dibakar Ghosh, Phys. Lett. A 424, 127847 (2022)
- Coupling group selection and network reciprocity in social dilemmas through multilayer networks, Zhenyu Shi, Wei Wei, Matjaž Perc, Baifeng Li, and Zhiming Zheng, Appl. Math. Comput. 418, 126835 (2022)
- Determining liquid crystal properties with ordinal networks and machine learning, Arthur A. B. Pessa, Rafael S. Zola, Matjaž Perc, and Haroldo V. Ribeiro, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 154, 111607 (2022)
- Functional neuronal networks reveal emotional processing differences in children with ADHD, Sheida Ansarinasab, Shirin Panahi, Farnaz Ghassemi, Sajad Jafari, Karthikeyan Rajagopal, Dibakar Ghosh, and Matjaž Perc, Cogn. Neurodyn. 16, 91-100 (2022)
- Risk assessment of COVID-19 epidemic resurgence in relation to SARS-CoV-2 variants and vaccination passes, Tyll Krüger, Krzysztof Gogolewski, Marcin Bodych, Anna Gambin, Giulia Giordano, Sarah Cuschieri, Thomas Czypionka, Matjaž Perc, Elena Petelos, Magdalena Rosińska, and Ewa Szczurek, Commun. Med. 2, 23 (2022)
- Social and legal considerations for artificial intelligence in medicine, Matjaž Perc and Janja Hojnik, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (eds.), 129-138 (2022)
- Contrarians synchronize beyond the limit of pairwise interactions, Kirill Kovalenko, Xiangfeng Dai, Karin Alfaro-Bittner, Andrei M. Raigorodskii, Matjaž Perc, and Stefano Boccaletti, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 258301 (2021)
- Evolutionary dynamics of higher-order interactions in social networks, Unai Alvarez-Rodriguez, Federico Battiston, Guilherme Ferraz de Arruda, Yamir Moreno, Matjaž Perc, and Vito Latora, Nat. Hum. Behav. 5, 586-595 (2021)
- Chimeras, Fatemeh Parastesh, Sajad Jafari, Hamed Azarnoush, Zahra Shahriari, Zhen Wang, Stefano Boccaletti, and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rep. 898, 1-114 (2021)
- Mathematical foundations of moral preferences, Valerio Capraro and Matjaž Perc, J. R. Soc. Interface 18, 20200880 (2021)
- Towards a European strategy to address the COVID-19 pandemic, Viola Priesemann, Rudi Balling, Simon Bauer, Philippe Beutels, André Calero Valdez, Sarah Cuschieri, Thomas Czypionka, Uga Dumpis, Enrico Glaab, Eva Grill, Pirta Hotulainen, Emil Nafis Iftekhar, Jenny Krutzinna, Christos Lionis, Helena Machado, Carlos Martins, Martin McKee, George N. Pavlakis, Matjaž Perc, Elena Petelos, Martyn Pickersgill, Barbara Prainsack, Eva Schernhammer, Ewa Szczurek, Sotirios Tsiodras, Steven van Gucht, and Peter Willeit, Lancet 398, 838-839 (2021)
- Evolution of honesty in higher-order social networks, Aanjaneya Kumar, Sandeep Chowdhary, Valerio Capraro, and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. E 104, 054308 (2021)
- Neighborhood size effects on the evolution of cooperation under myopic dynamics, Juan Shi, Jinzhuo Liu, Matjaž Perc, Zhenghong Deng, and Zhen Wang, Chaos 123113, 31 (2021)
- COVID-19 vaccine boosters: The good, the bad, and the ugly, Piotr Rzymski, Carlos A. Camargo Jr., Andrzej Fal, Robert Flisiak, Willis Gwenzi, Roya Kelishadi, Alexander Leemans, Juan J. Nieto, Ahmet Ozen, Matjaž Perc, Barbara Poniedziałek, Constantine Sedikides, Frank Sellke, Emilia C. Skirmuntt, Anzhela Stashchak, and Nima Rezaei, Vaccines 9, 1299 (2021)
- The impact of COVID-19 on the worldwide air transportation network, Xiaoge Bao, Peng Ji, Wei Lin, Matjaž Perc, and Jürgen Kurths, R. Soc. Open Sci. 8, 210682 (2021)
- Bilateral costly expulsions resolve the public goods dilemma, Xiaofeng Wang and Matjaž Perc, Proc. R. Soc. A 477, 20210627 (2021)
- The role of age in the spreading of COVID-19 across a social network in Bucharest, Marian-Gabriel Hâncean, Jürgen Lerner, Matjaž Perc, Maria Cristina Ghiță, David-Andrei Bunaciu, Adelina Alexandra Stoica, and Bianca-Elena Mihăilă, J. Complex Netw. 9, cnab026 (2021)
- Background purification framework with extended morphological attribute profile for hyperspectral anomaly detection, Ju Huang, Kang Liu, Mingliang Xu, Matjaž Perc, and Xuelong Li, IEEE J. Sel. Topics Appl. Earth Observ. Remote Sens. 14, 8113-8124 (2021)
- Association between productivity and journal impact across disciplines and career age, Andre S. Sunahara, Matjaž Perc, and Haroldo V. Ribeiro, Phys. Rev. Research 3, 033158 (2021)
- Convolutional neural networks predict the onset of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: Theory and applications, Murat Surucu, Yalcin Isler, Matjaž Perc, and Resul Kara, Chaos 31, 113119 (2021)
- Adaptive reputation promotes trust in social networks, Zhengyang Hu, Xiaopeng Li, Juan Wang, Chengyi Xia, Zhen Wang, and Matjaž Perc, IEEE Trans. Netw. Sci. Eng. 8, 3087-3098 (2021)
- Predicting transitions in cooperation levels from network connectivity, Artsem Zhuk, Irene Sendiña-Nadal, Inmaculada Leyva, Daniil Musatov, Andrei M. Raigorodskii, Matjaž Perc, and Stefano Boccaletti, New J. Phys. 23, 093040 (2021)
- The dynamics of epidemic spreading on signed networks, Hui-Jia Li, Wenzhe Xu, Shenpeng Song, Wenxuan Wang, and Matjaž Perc, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 151, 11129 (2021)
- Local and global stimuli in reinforcement learning, Danyang Jia, Hao Guo, Zhao Song, Lei Shi, Xinyang Deng, Matjaž Perc, and Zhen Wang, New J. Phys. 23, 083020 (2021)
- Complex evolutionary dynamics due to punishment and free space in ecological multigames, Sayantan Nag Chowdhury, Srilena Kundu, Matjaž Perc, and Dibakar Ghosh, Proc. R. Soc. A 477, 20210397 (2021)
- A look into the future of the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe: An expert consultation, Emil Nafis Iftekhar, Viola Priesemann, Rudi Balling, Simon Bauer, Philippe Beutels, André Calero Valdez, Sarah Cuschieri, Thomas Czypionka, Uga Dumpis, Enrico Glaab, Eva Grill, Claudia Hanson, Pirta Hotulainen, Peter Klimek, Mirjam Kretzschmar, Tyll Krüger, Jenny Krutzinna, Nicola Low, Helena Machado, Carlos Martins, Martin McKee, Sebastian Bernd Mohr, Armin Nassehi, Matjaž Perc, Elena Petelos, Martyn Pickersgill, Barbara Prainsack, Joacim Rocklöv, Eva Schernhammer, Anthony Staines, Ewa Szczurek, Sotirios Tsiodras, Steven van Gucht, and Peter Willeit, Lancet Reg. Health Eur. 8, 100185 (2021)
- Multi-objective optimization for community detection in multilayer networks, Shihong Jiang, Xianghua Li, Xuejiao Chen, Zhen Wang, Matjaž Perc, and Chao Gao, EPL 135, 18001 (2021)
- Socio-demographic and health factors drive the epidemic progression and should guide vaccination strategies for best COVID-19 containment, Rene Markovič, Marko Šterk, Marko Marhl, Matjaž Perc, and Marko Gosak, Results Phys. 26, 104433 (2021)
- Density saliency for clustered building detection and population capacity estimation, Kang Liu, Ju Huang, Mingliang Xu, Matjaž Perc, and Xuelong Li, Neurocomputing 458, 127-140 (2021)
- The self-organizing impact of averaged payoffs on the evolution of cooperation, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, New J. Phys. 23, 063068 (2021)
- Tilt correction towards building detection of remote sensing images, Kang Liu, Zhiyu Jiang, Mingliang Xu, Matjaž Perc, and Xuelong Li, IEEE J. Sel. Topics Appl. Earth Observ. Remote Sens. 14, 5854-5866 (2021)
- Collective dynamics of heterogeneously and nonlinearly coupled phase oscillators, Can Xu, Xiaohuan Tang, Huaping Lü, Karin Alfaro-Bittner, Stefano Boccaletti, Matjaž Perc, and Shuguang Guan, Phys. Rev. Research 3, 043004 (2021)
- Impact of social networks on the labor market inequalities and school-to-work transitions, Mahmut Özer and Matjaž Perc, Yükseköğretim Dergisi 11, 38-50 (2021)
- Community lockdowns in social networks hardly mitigate epidemic spreading, Marko Gosak, Maja Duh, Rene Markovič, and Matjaž Perc, New J. Phys. 23, 043039 (2021)
- Third party interventions mitigate conflicts on interdependent networks, Zhao Song, Hao Guo, Danyang Jia, Matjaž Perc, Xuelong Li, and Zhen Wang, Appl. Math. Comput. 403, 126178 (2021)
- Synchronization and chimeras in a network of photosensitive FitzHugh-Nagumo neurons, Iqtadar Hussain, Sajad Jafari, Dibakar Ghosh, and Matjaž Perc, Nonlinear Dyn. 104, 2711-2721 (2021)
- Optimal governance and implementation of vaccination programmes to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, Mahendra Piraveenan, Shailendra Sawleshwarkar, Michael Walsh, Iryna Zablotska, Samit Bhattacharyya, Habib Hassan Farooqui, Tarun Bhatnagar, Anup Karan, Manoj Murhekar, Sanjay Zodpey, K. S. Mallikarjuna Rao, Philippa Pattison, Albert Zomaya, and Matjaž Perc, R. Soc. Open Sci. 8, 210429 (2021)
- Collective behavior in a two-layer neuronal network with time-varying chemical connections that are controlled by a Petri net, Alireza Bahramian, Fatemeh Parastesh, Viet-Thanh Pham, Tomasz Kapitaniak, Sajad Jafari, and Matjaž Perc, Chaos 31, 033138 (2021)
- Emergence of cooperation in spatial social dilemmas with expulsion, Xiaofeng Wang and Matjaž Perc, Appl. Math. Comput. 402, 126149 (2021)
- Multilayer representation of collaboration networks with higher-order interactions, Ekaterina Vasilyeva, Alexander Kozlov, Karin Alfaro-Bittner, Daniil Musatov, Andrei M. Raigorodskii, Matjaž Perc, and Stefano Boccaletti, Sci. Rep. 11, 5666 (2021)
- Endogenous social distancing and its underappreciated impact on the epidemic curve, Marko Gosak, Moritz U. G. Kraemer, Heinrich H. Nax, Matjaž Perc, and Bary S. R. Pradelski, Sci. Rep. 11, 3093 (2021)
- An action plan for pan-European defence against new SARS-CoV-2 variants, Viola Priesemann, Rudi Balling, Melanie M. Brinkmann, Sandra Ciesek, Thomas Czypionka, Isabella Eckerle, Giulia Giordano, Claudia Hanson, Zdenek Hel, Pirta Hotulainen, Peter Klimek, Armin Nassehi, Andreas Peichl, Matjaž Perc, Elena Petelos, Barbara Prainsack, and Ewa Szczurek, Lancet 397, 469-470 (2021)
- Eco-evolutionary dynamics of cooperation in the presence of policing, Sayantan Nag Chowdhury, Srilena Kundu, Jeet Banerjee, Matjaž Perc, and Dibakar Ghosh, J. Theor. Biol. 518, 110606 (2021)
- Two robust long short-term memory frameworks for trading stocks, Dušan Fister, Matjaž Perc, and Timotej Jagrič, Appl. Intell. 51, 7177-7195 (2021)
- Public goods games on random hyperbolic graphs with mixing, Maja Duh, Marko Gosak, and Matjaž Perc, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 144, 110720 (2021)
- Strategically positioning cooperators can facilitate the contagion of cooperation, Guoli Yang, Matteo Cavaliere, Cheng Zhu, and Matjaž Perc, Sci. Rep. 11, 1127 (2021)
- Calling for pan-European commitment for rapid and sustained reduction in SARS-CoV-2 infections, Viola Priesemann, Melanie M. Brinkmann, Sarah Cuschieri, Thomas Czypionka, Sebastian Funk, Giulia Giordano, Deepti Gurdasani, Claudia Hanson, Niel Hens, Emil Nafis Iftekhar, Michelle Kelly-Irving, Peter Klimek, Mirjam Kretzschmar, Andreas Peichl, Matjaž Perc, Francesco Sannino, Eva Schernhammer, Alexander Schmidt, Anthony Staines, and Ewa Szczurek, Lancet 397, 92-93 (2021)
- Exit rights open complex pathways to cooperation, Chen Shen, Marko Jusup, Lei Shi, Zhen Wang, Matjaž Perc, and Petter Holme, J. R. Soc. Interface 18, 20200777 (2021)
- Reputation preferences resolve social dilemmas in spatial multigames, Xiaopeng Li, Gang Hao, Huaibin Wang, Chengyi Xia, and Matjaž Perc, J. Stat. Mech. 2021, 013403 (2021)
- A survey of the life cycle assessment of food supply chains, Petra Vidergar, Matjaž Perc, and Rebeka Kovačič Lukman, J. Clean. Prod. 286, 125506 (2021)
- Optimal synchronization of circulant and non-circulant oscillators, Shirin Panahi, Fahimeh Nazarimehr, Sajad Jafari, Julien C. Sprott, Matjaž Perc, and Robert Repnik, Appl. Math. Comput. 394, 125830 (2021)
- The coauthorship networks of the most productive European researchers, Marian-Gabriel Hâncean, Matjaž Perc, and Jürgen Lerner, Scientometrics 126, 201-224 (2021)
- A limited mobility of minorities facilitates cooperation in social dilemmas, Wen-Jing Li, Luo-Luo Jiang, and Matjaž Perc, Appl. Math. Comput. 391, 125705 (2021)
- Special issue on collective behavior of nonlinear dynamical networks, Sajad Jafari, Matjaž Perc, and Mohammad Saleh Tavazoei, Sci. Iran. 28, 1535-1538 (2021)
- Time irreversibility and amplitude irreversibility measures for nonequilibrium processes, Wenpo Yao, Jun Wang, Matjaž Perc, Wenli Yao, Jiafei Dai, Daqing Guo, and Dezhong Yao, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 96, 105688 (2021)
- Complex networks and deep learning for EEG signal analysis, Zhongke Gao, Weidong Dang, Xinmin Wang, Xiaolin Hong, Linhua Hou, Kai Ma, and Matjaž Perc, Cogn. Neurodyn. 15, 369-388 (2021)
- Assessing the origin and velocity of Ca2+ waves in three-dimensional tissue: Insights from a mathematical model and confocal imaging in mouse pancreas tissue slices, Marko Šterk, Jurij Dolenšek, Lidija Križančić Bombek, Rene Markovič, Darko Zakelšek, Matjaž Perc, Viljem Pohorec, Andraž Stožer, and Marko Gosak, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 93, 105495 (2021)
- Stability and stabilization in probability of probabilistic Boolean networks, Chi Huang, Jianquan Lu, Guisheng Zhai, Jinde Cao, Guoping Lu, and Matjaž Perc, IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. Learn. Syst. 32, 241-251 (2021)
- Communicating sentiment and outlook reverses inaction against collective risks, Zhen Wang, Marko Jusup, Hao Guo, Lei Shi, Sunčana Geček, Madhur Anand, Matjaž Perc, Chris T. Bauch, Jürgen Kurths, Stefano Boccaletti, and Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 117, 17650-17655 (2020)
- Discontinuous transitions and rhythmic states in the D-dimensional Kuramoto model induced by a positive feedback with the global order parameter, Xiangfeng Dai, Xuelong Li, Hao Guo, Danyang Jia, Matjaž Perc, Pouya Manshour, Zhen Wang, and Stefano Boccaletti, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 194101 (2020)
- Double explosive transitions to synchronization and cooperation in intertwined dynamics and evolutionary games, Xuelong Li, Xiangfeng Dai, Danyang Jia, Hao Guo, Garth D. Cooper, Karin Alfaro-Bittner, Matjaž Perc, Stefano Boccaletti, and Zhen Wang, New J. Phys. 22, 123026 (2020)
- The impact of human mobility networks on the global spread of COVID-19, Marian-Gabriel Hâncean, Mitja Slavinec, and Matjaž Perc, J. Complex Netw. 8, cnaa041 (2020)
- Robust cooperation against mutations via costly expulsion, Xiaofeng Wang, Maja Duh, and Matjaž Perc, EPL 132, 38001 (2020)
- Collective dynamics of stock market efficiency, Luiz G. A. Alves, Higor Y. D. Sigaki, Matjaž Perc, and Haroldo V. Ribeiro, Sci. Rep. 10, 21992 (2020)
- Optimization of mobile individuals promotes cooperation in social dilemmas, Wen-Jing Li, Luo-Luo Jiang, Zhi Chen, Matjaž Perc, and Mitja Slavinec, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 141, 110425 (2020)
- Diverse strategic identities induce dynamical states in evolutionary games, Irene Sendiña-Nadal, Inmaculada Leyva, Matjaž Perc, David Papo, Marko Jusup, Zhen Wang, Juan A. Almendral, Pouya Manshour, and Stefano Boccaletti, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043168 (2020)
- Mixing protocols in the public goods game, Maja Duh, Marko Gosak, and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. E 102, 032310 (2020)
- The evolution of trust and trustworthiness, Aanjaneya Kumar, Valerio Capraro, and Matjaž Perc, J. R. Soc. Interface 17, 20200491 (2020)
- Critical slowing down indicators, Fahimeh Nazarimehr, Sajad Jafari, Matjaž Perc, and Julien C. Sprott, EPL 132, 18001 (2020)
- Early spread of COVID-19 in Romania: Imported cases from Italy and human-to-human transmission networks, Marian-Gabriel Hâncean, Matjaž Perc, and Jürgen Lerner, R. Soc. Open Sci. 7, 200780 (2020)
- U100: An innovative USERN platform for education and research without borders, Sara Momtazmanesh, Farzaneh Rahmani, Farnaz Delavari, Zahra Vahedi, Saleheh Ebadirad, Mahsa Keshavarz-Fathi, Marjan Moallemian, Saboura Ashkevarian, Mohammad Reza Kolahi, Alireza Samimiat, Nahid Raei, Pouria Rouzrokh, Samira Alesaeidi, Ali Jaberipour, Sara Bakhshi, Sasan Paryad-Zanjani, Matjaž Perc, Lucina Q. Uddin, Abdelkader Allali, Kathleen Sullivan, Abbas Taher, Safa Baris, Ahmet Ozen, Elif Karakoc-Aydiner, Juan Carlos Aldave, Amir Hamzah Abdul Latiff, Waleed Al-Herz, Prathip Phantumvanit, Anzhela Stashchak, Oleksandr Kryvenko, Mykola Stashchak, Didik Utomo, Deepak B. Salunke, Roya Kelishadi, Mojtaba Hedayati, Shahrokh Mirza Hosseini, Anastasiia Bondarenko, Ekaterini Goudouris, Antonio Condino-Neto, Duarte Nuno Vieira, Timo Ulrichs, Dainius Pavalkis, László Rosivall, Hans D. Ochs, and Nima Rezaei, Acta Med. Iran. 58, 1-3 (2020)
- The dynamics of cooperation in asymmetric sub-populations, Hao Guo, Xuelong Li, Kaipeng Hu, Xiangfeng Dai, Danyang Jia, Stefano Boccaletti, Matjaž Perc, and Zhen Wang, New J. Phys. 22, 083015 (2020)
- City size and the spreading of COVID-19 in Brazil, Haroldo V. Ribeiro, Andre S. Sunahara, Jack Sutton, Matjaž Perc, and Quentin S. Hanley, PLoS ONE 15, e0239699 (2020)
- The Singaporean model in public goods dilemmas with benevolent leaders and bribery, Yinhai Fang, Matjaž Perc, and Haiyan Xu, J. Theor. Biol. 501, 110345 (2020)
- Detecting chimeras by eigenvalue decomposition of the bivariate local order parameter, Fatemeh Parastesh, Hamed Azarnoush, Sajad Jafari, and Matjaž Perc, EPL 130, 28003 (2020)
- Complete dynamical analysis of a neocortical network model, Ali Foroutannia, Mahdieh Ghasemi, Fatemeh Parastesh, Sajad Jafari, and Matjaž Perc, Nonlinear Dyn. 100, 2699-2714 (2020)
- Optimization of identifiability for efficient community detection, Hui-Jia Li, Lin Wang, Yan Zhang, and Matjaž Perc, New J. Phys. 22, 063035 (2020)
- Cooperation on interdependent networks by means of migration and stochastic imitation, Sayantan Nag Chowdhury, Srilena Kundu, Maja Duh, Matjaž Perc, and Dibakar Ghosh, Entropy 22, 485 (2020)
- All together to fight COVID-19, Sara Momtazmanesh, Hans D. Ochs, Lucina Q. Uddin, Matjaž Perc, John M. Routes, Duarte Nuno Vieira, Waleed Al-Herz, Safa Baris, Carolina Prando, László Rosivall, Amir Hamzah Abdul Latiff, Timo Ulrichs, Vasili Roudenok, Juan Carlos Aldave Becerra, Deepak B. Salunke, Ekaterini Goudouris, Antonio Condino-Neto, Anzhela Stashchak, Oleksandr Kryvenko, Mykola Stashchak, Anastasia Bondarenko, and Nima Rezaei, Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 102, 1181-1183 (2020)
- Epidemije, Matjaž Perc, Fizika v šoli 25, 2-7 (2020)
- Learning physical properties of liquid crystals with deep convolutional neural networks, Higor Y. D. Sigaki, Ervin K. Lenzi, Rafael S. Zola, Matjaž Perc, and Haroldo V. Ribeiro, Sci. Rep. 10, 7664 (2020)
- Forecasting COVID-19, Matjaž Perc, Nina Gorišek Miksić, Mitja Slavinec, and Andraž Stožer, Front. Phys. 8, 127 (2020)
- Socioeconomic status and school type as predictors of academic achievement, Hayri Eren Suna, Hande Tanberkan, Bekir S. Gür, Matjaž Perc, and Mahmut Özer, J. Econ. Cult. Soc. 61, 41-64 (2020)
- Chimeras in an adaptive neuronal network with burst-timing-dependent plasticity, Zhen Wang, Sara Baruni, Fatemeh Parastesh, Sajad Jafari, Dibakar Ghosh, Matjaž Perc, and Iqtadar Hussain, Neurocomputing 406, 117-126 (2020)
- The accumulative law and its probability model: An extension of the Pareto distribution and the log-normal distribution, Minyu Feng, Liang-Jian Deng, Feng Chen, Matjaž Perc, and Jürgen Kurths, Proc. R. Soc. A 476, 20200019 (2020)
- Different synaptic connections evoke different firing patterns in neurons subject to an electromagnetic field, Nazanin Zandi-Mehran, Sajad Jafari, Seyed Mohammad Reza Hashemi Golpayegani, Fahimeh Nazarimehr, and Matjaž Perc, Nonlinear Dyn. 100, 1809-1824 (2020)
- Pool expulsion and cooperation in the spatial public goods game, Xiaofeng Wang, Maja Duh, and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Lett. A 384, 126391 (2020)
- Beauty in artistic expressions through the eyes of networks and physics, Matjaž Perc, J. R. Soc. Interface 17, 20190686 (2020)
- Wavelet entropy-based evaluation of intrinsic predictability of time series, Ravi Kumar Guntu, Pavan Kumar Yeditha, Maheswaran Rathinasamy, Matjaž Perc, Norbert Marwan, Jürgen Kurths, and Ankit Agarwal, Chaos 30, 033117 (2020)
- Rewarding endowments lead to a win-win in the evolution of public cooperation and the accumulation of common resources, Liwen Hu, Nanrong He, Qifeng Weng, Xiaojie Chen, and Matjaž Perc, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 134, 109694 (2020)
- Dreams and realities of school tracking and vocational education, Mahmut Özer and Matjaž Perc, Palgrave Commun. 6, 34 (2020)
- A novel route to cyclic dominance in voluntary social dilemmas, Hao Guo, Zhao Song, Sunčana Geček, Xuelong Li, Marko Jusup, Matjaž Perc, Yamir Moreno, Stefano Boccaletti, and Zhen Wang, J. R. Soc. Interface 17, 20190789 (2020)
- Lying on networks: The role of structure and topology in promoting honesty, Valerio Capraro, Matjaž Perc, and Daniele Vilone, Phys. Rev. E 101, 032305 (2020)
- Ranking the invasions of cheaters in structured populations, Guoli Yang, Matteo Cavaliere, Cheng Zhu, and Matjaž Perc, Sci. Rep. 10, 2231 (2020)
- Permutation-based time irreversibility in epileptic electroencephalograms, Wenpo Yao, Jiafei Dai, Matjaž Perc, Jun Wang, Dezhong Yao, and Daqing Guo, Nonlinear Dyn. 100, 907-919 (2020)
- Control of dynamics via identical time-lagged stochastic inputs, Ehsan Bolhasani, Yousef Azizi, Daryoush Abdollahpour, Jafar M. Amjad, and Matjaž Perc, Chaos 30, 013143 (2020)
- Time delayed chemical synapses and synchronization in multilayer neuronal networks with ephaptic inter-layer coupling, Mohadeseh Shafiei, Sajad Jafari, Fatemeh Parastesh, Mahmut Özer, Tomasz Kapitaniak, and Matjaž Perc, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 84, 105175 (2020)
- Explosive synchronization in populations of cooperative and competitive oscillators, Xiangfeng Dai, Xuelong Li, Ricardo Gutiérrez, Hao Guo, Danyang Jia, Matjaž Perc, Pouya Manshour, Zhen Wang, and Stefano Boccaletti, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 132, 109589 (2020)
- Modelling of dysregulated glucagon secretion in type 2 diabetes by considering mitochondrial alterations in pancreatic α-cells, Vladimir Grubelnik, Rene Markovič, Saška Lipovšek, Gerd Leitinger, Marko Gosak, Jurij Dolenšek, Ismael Valladolid-Acebes, Per-Olof Berggren, Andraž Stožer, Matjaž Perc, and Marko Marhl, R. Soc. Open Sci. 7, 191171 (2020)
- Multivariable coupling and synchronization in complex networks, Fahimeh Nazarimehr, Shirin Panahi, Mahdi Jalili, Matjaž Perc, Sajad Jafari, and Brigita Ferčec, Appl. Math. Comput. 372, 124996 (2020)
- Is there a relation between synchronization stability and bifurcation type?, Zahra Faghani, Zhen Wang, Fatemeh Parastesh, Sajad Jafari, and Matjaž Perc, Int. J. Bifurcat. Chaos 30, 2050123 (2020)
- Chaos and complexity in a fractional-order financial system with time delays, Shaojie Wang, Shaobo He, Amin Yousefpour, Hadi Jahanshahi, Robert Repnik, and Matjaž Perc, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 131, 109521 (2020)
- Computational chaos in complex networks, Erivelton G. Nepomuceno and Matjaž Perc, J. Complex Netw. 8, cnz015 (2020)
- Design of resilient reliable dissipativity control for systems with actuator faults and probabilistic time-delay signals via sampled-data approach, Raman Manivannan, Rajendran Samidurai, Jinde Cao, and Matjaž Perc, IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern., Syst. 50, 4243-4255 (2020)
- Synchronization analysis for stochastic delayed multilayer network with additive couplings, Jinsen Zhuang, Jinde Cao, Longkun Tang, Yonghui Xia, and Matjaž Perc, IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern., Syst. 50, 4807-4816 (2020)
- Focus on multilayer networks, Yamir Moreno and Matjaž Perc, New J. Phys. 22, 010201 (2020)
- Assortativity provides a narrow margin for enhanced cooperation on multilayer networks, Maja Duh, Marko Gosak, Mitja Slavinec, and Matjaž Perc, New J. Phys. 21, 123016 (2019)
- The social physics collective, Matjaž Perc, Sci. Rep. 9, 16549 (2019)
- Diffusion dynamics and information spreading in multilayer networks: An overview, Matjaž Perc, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 228, 2351-2355 (2019)
- Effects of reciprocal rewarding on the evolution of cooperation in voluntary social dilemmas, Xiaopeng Li, Huaibin Wang, Chengyi Xia, and Matjaž Perc, Front. Phys. 7, 125 (2019)
- Seasonal payoff variations and the evolution of cooperation in social dilemmas, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, Sci. Rep. 9, 12575 (2019)
- Suppression of spiral wave turbulence by means of periodic plane waves in two-layer excitable media, Zhen Wang, Zahra Rostami, Sajad Jafari, Fawaz E. Alsaadi, Mitja Slavinec, and Matjaž Perc, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 128, 229-233 (2019)
- Transitions from chimeras to coherence: An analytical approach by means of the coherent stability function, Sarbendu Rakshit, Zahra Faghani, Fatemeh Parastesh, Shirin Panahi, Sajad Jafari, Dibakar Ghosh, and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. E 100, 012315 (2019)
- Heterogeneity and delayed activation as hallmarks of self-organization and criticality in excitable tissue, Andraž Stožer, Rene Markovič, Jurij Dolenšek, Matjaž Perc, Marjan Slak Rupnik, Marko Marhl, and Marko Gosak, Front. Physiol. 10, 869 (2019)
- The evolution of lying in well-mixed populations, Valerio Capraro, Matjaž Perc, and Daniele Vilone, J. R. Soc. Interface 16, 20190211 (2019)
- Synergistic third-party rewarding and punishment in the public goods game, Yinhai Fang, Tina P. Benko, Matjaž Perc, Haiyan Xu, and Qingmei Tan, Proc. R. Soc. A 475, 20190349 (2019)
- Synchronization to extreme events in moving agents, Sayantan Nag Chowdhury, Soumen Majhi, Mahmut Özer, Dibakar Ghosh, and Matjaž Perc, New J. Phys. 21, 073048 (2019)
- Second-order reputation promotes cooperation in the spatial prisoner's dilemma game, Yuetian Dong, Shiwen Sun, Chengyi Xia, and Matjaž Perc, IEEE Access 7, 82532-82540 (2019)
- Social and juristic challenges of artificial intelligence, Matjaž Perc, Mahmut Özer, and Janja Hojnik, Palgrave Commun. 5, 61 (2019)
- The effect of conformists' behavior on cooperation in the spatial public goods game, Yinhai Fang, Haiyan Xu, Matjaž Perc, and Shuding Chen, Group Decision and Negotiation (eds.), 137-145 (2019)
- Towards understanding partial adaptation to the subterranean habitat in the European cave spider, Meta menardi: An ecocytological approach, Saška Lipovšek, Gerd Leitinger, Franc Janžekovič, Peter Kozel, Barbara Dariš, Matjaž Perc, Dušan Devetak, Nina Weiland, and Tone Novak, Sci. Rep. 9, 9121 (2019)
- Dissimilarity-driven behavior and cooperation in the spatial public goods game, Yinhai Fang, Tina P. Benko, Matjaž Perc, and Haiyan Xu, Sci. Rep. 9, 7655 (2019)
- Evolutionary dynamics of cooperation in the public goods game with pool exclusion strategies, Linjie Liu, Xiaojie Chen, and Matjaž Perc, Nonlinear Dyn. 97, 749-766 (2019)
- Identification of influential invaders in evolutionary populations, Guoli Yang, Tina P. Benko, Matteo Cavaliere, Jincai Huang, and Matjaž Perc, Sci. Rep. 9, 7305 (2019)
- Effects of coupling strength and network topology on signal detection in small-world neuronal networks, Xiaojuan Sun, Zhaofan Liu, and Matjaž Perc, Nonlinear Dyn. 96, 2145-2155 (2019)
- Dynamic evolution of economic networks under the influence of mergers and divestitures, Yinhai Fang, Haiyan Xu, Matjaž Perc, and Qingmei Tan, Physica A 524, 89-99 (2019)
- Soft computing simulations of chaotic systems, Erivelton G. Nepomuceno, Priscila F. S. Guedes, Alípio M. Barbosa, Matjaž Perc, and Robert Repnik, Int. J. Bifurcat. Chaos 29, 1950112 (2019)
- Bogdanov-Takens singularity in the Hindmarsh-Rose neuron with time delay, Yingying Li, Zhouchao Wei, Wei Zhang, Matjaž Perc, and Robert Repnik, Appl. Math. Comput. 354, 180-188 (2019)
- Minimal digital chaotic system, Erivelton G. Nepomuceno, Arthur M. Lima, Janier Arias-García, Matjaž Perc, and Robert Repnik, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 120, 62-66 (2019)
- Resonance-like cooperation due to transaction costs in the prisoner's dilemma game, Yumeng Li, Hanchen Wang, Wenbo Du, Matjaž Perc, Xianbin Cao, and Jun Zhang, Physica A 521, 248-257 (2019)
- Winner-weaken-loser-strengthen rule leads to optimally cooperative interdependent networks, Lei Shi, Chen Shen, Yini Geng, Chen Chu, Haoran Meng, Matjaž Perc, Stefano Boccaletti, and Zhen Wang, Nonlinear Dyn. 96, 49-56 (2019)
- Synchronizability of two neurons with switching in the coupling, Fatemeh Parastesh, Hamed Azarnoush, Sajad Jafari, Boshra Hatef, Matjaž Perc, and Robert Repnik, Appl. Math. Comput. 350, 217-223 (2019)
- Effects of partial time delays on synchronization patterns in Izhikevich neuronal networks, Mohadeseh Shafiei, Fatemeh Parastesh, Mahdi Jalili, Sajad Jafari, Matjaž Perc, and Mitja Slavinec, Eur. Phys. J. B 92, 36 (2019)
- Evoplex: A platform for agent-based modeling on networks, Marcos Cardinot, Colm O'Riordan, Josephine Griffith, and Matjaž Perc, SoftwareX 9, 199-204 (2019)
- Clustering patterns in efficiency and the coming-of-age of the cryptocurrency market, Higor Y. D. Sigaki, Matjaž Perc, and Haroldo V. Ribeiro, Sci. Rep. 9, 1440 (2019)
- A satisficing conflict resolution approach for multiple UAVs, Yumeng Li, Wenbo Du, Peng Yang, Tianhang Wu, Jun Zhang, Dapeng Wu, and Matjaž Perc, IEEE Internet Things J. 6, 1866-1878 (2019)
- Novelty search for global optimization, Iztok Fister, Andres Iglesias, Akemi Galvez, Javier Del Ser, Eneko Osaba, Iztok Fister Jr., Matjaž Perc, and Mitja Slavinec, Appl. Math. Comput. 347, 865-881 (2019)
- Knowing the past improves cooperation in the future, Zsuzsa Danku, Matjaž Perc, and Attila Szolnoki, Sci. Rep. 9, 262 (2019)
- Multi-stage classification of congestive heart failure based on short-term heart rate variability, Yalcin Isler, Ali Narin, Mahmut Özer, and Matjaž Perc, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 118, 145-151 (2019)
- Pinning synchronization of nonlinear coupled Lur'e networks under hybrid impulses, Yaqi Wang, Jianquan Lu, Jinling Liang, Jinde Cao, and Matjaž Perc, IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Exp. Briefs 66, 432-436 (2019)
- Chaos in a predator-prey-based mathematical model for illicit drug consumption, Jean-Marc Ginoux, Roomila Naeck, Yusra Bibi Ruhomally, Muhammad Zaid Dauhoo, and Matjaž Perc, Appl. Math. Comput. 347, 502-513 (2019)
- Bifurcation analysis of two disc dynamos with viscous friction and multiple time delays, Zhouchao Wei, Bin Zhu, Jing Yang, Matjaž Perc, and Mitja Slavinec, Appl. Math. Comput. 347, 265-281 (2019)
- Aperiodically intermittent stochastic stabilization via discrete time or delay feedback control, Lei Liu, Matjaž Perc, and Jinde Cao, Sci. China Inf. Sci. 62, 072201 (2019)
- Finite-time consensus of opinion dynamics and its applications to distributed optimization over digraph, Xinli Shi, Jinde Cao, Guanghui Wen, and Matjaž Perc, IEEE Trans. Cybern. 49, 3767-3779 (2019)
- Applying network theory to fables: Complexity in Slovene belles-lettres for different age groups, Rene Markovič, Marko Gosak, Matjaž Perc, Marko Marhl, and Vladimir Grubelnik, J. Complex Netw. 7, 114-127 (2019)
- Chimeras at the interface of physics and life sciences, Soumen Majhi, Bidesh K. Bera, Dibakar Ghosh, and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Life Rev. 28, 142-147 (2019)
- Chimera states in neuronal networks: A review, Soumen Majhi, Bidesh K. Bera, Dibakar Ghosh, and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Life Rev. 28, 100-121 (2019)
- History of art paintings through the lens of entropy and complexity, Higor Y. D. Sigaki, Matjaž Perc, and Haroldo V. Ribeiro, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 115, E8585-E8594 (2018)
- Functional importance of noise in neuronal information processing, Daqing Guo, Matjaž Perc, Tiejun Liu, and Dezhong Yao, EPL 124, 50001 (2018)
- Evolutionary dynamics in the public goods games with switching between punishment and exclusion, Linjie Liu, Shengxian Wang, Xiaojie Chen, and Matjaž Perc, Chaos 28, 103105 (2018)
- Graphical interface as a teaching aid for nonlinear dynamical systems, Pedro H. O. Silva, Lucas G. Nardo, Samir A. M. Martins, Erivelton G. Nepomuceno, and Matjaž Perc, Eur. J. Phys. 39, 065105 (2018)
- The influence of time delay in a chaotic cancer model, Subhas Khajanchi, Matjaž Perc, and Dibakar Ghosh, Chaos 28, 103101 (2018)
- Coevolutionary resolution of the public goods dilemma in interdependent structured populations, Chen Shen, Chen Chu, Lei Shi, Marko Jusup, Matjaž Perc, and Zhen Wang, EPL 124, 48003 (2018)
- Inverse stochastic resonance in a system of excitable active rotators with adaptive coupling, Iva Bačić, Vladimir V. Klinshov, Vladimir Nekorkin, Matjaž Perc, and Igor Franović, EPL 124, 40004 (2018)
- Cooperation in the spatial prisoner's dilemma game with probabilistic abstention, Marcos Cardinot, Josephine Griffith, Colm O'Riordan, and Matjaž Perc, Sci. Rep. 8, 14531 (2018)
- Grand challenges in social physics: In pursuit of moral behavior, Valerio Capraro and Matjaž Perc, Front. Phys. 6, 107 (2018)
- Nonstationary chimeras in a neuronal network, Zhouchao Wei, Fatemeh Parastesh, Hamed Azarnoush, Sajad Jafari, Dibakar Ghosh, Matjaž Perc, and Mitja Slavinec, EPL 123, 48003 (2018)
- Fast regular firings induced by intra- and inter-time delays in two clustered neuronal networks, Xiaojuan Sun, Matjaž Perc, Jürgen Kurths, and Qishao Lu, Chaos 28, 106310 (2018)
- Factors influencing plagiarism in higher education: A comparison of German and Slovene students, Eva Jereb, Matjaž Perc, Barbara Lämmlein, Janja Jerebic, Marko Urh, Iztok Podbregar, and Polona Šprajc, PLoS ONE 13, e0202252 (2018)
- Robustness of functional networks at criticality against structural defects, Abdorreza Goodarzinick, Mohammad D. Niry, Alireza Valizadeh, and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. E 98, 022312 (2018)
- Effects of different initial conditions on the emergence of chimera states, Zahra Faghani, Zahra Arab, Fatemeh Parastesh, Sajad Jafari, Matjaž Perc, and Mitja Slavinec, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 114, 306-311 (2018)
- Doubly effects of information sharing on interdependent network reciprocity, Chengyi Xia, Xiaopeng Li, Zhen Wang, and Matjaž Perc, New J. Phys. 20, 075005 (2018)
- Predicting tipping points of dynamical systems during a period-doubling route to chaos, Fahimeh Nazarimehr, Sajad Jafari, Seyed Mohammad Reza Hashemi Golpayegani, Matjaž Perc, and Julien C. Sprott, Chaos 28, 073102 (2018)
- Wavefront-obstacle interactions and the initiation of reentry in excitable media, Zahra Rostami, Karthikeyan Rajagopal, Abdul Jalil M. Khalaf, Sajad Jafari, Matjaž Perc, and Mitja Slavinec, Physica A 509, 1162-1173 (2018)
- Early prediction of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation based on short-term heart rate variability, Ali Narin, Yalcin Isler, Mahmut Özer, and Matjaž Perc, Physica A 509, 56-65 (2018)
- The networked evolutionary algorithm: A network science perspective, Wenbo Du, Mingyuan Zhang, Wen Ying, Matjaž Perc, Ke Tang, Xianbin Cao, and Dapeng Wu, Appl. Math. Comput. 338, 33-43 (2018)
- Elimination of spiral waves in excitable media by magnetic induction, Zahra Rostami, Sajad Jafari, Matjaž Perc, and Mitja Slavinec, Nonlinear Dyn. 94, 679-692 (2018)
- Interval computing periodic orbits of maps using a piecewise approach, Erivelton G. Nepomuceno, Heitor M. Rodrigues Junior, Samir A. M. Martins, Matjaž Perc, and Mitja Slavinec, Appl. Math. Comput. 336, 67-75 (2018)
- Analysis of flight conflicts in the Chinese air route network, Mingyuan Zhang, Boyuan Liang, Sheng Wang, Matjaž Perc, Wenbo Du, and Xianbin Cao, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 112, 97-102 (2018)
- Is type 1 diabetes a chaotic phenomenon?, Jean-Marc Ginoux, Heikki Ruskeepää, Matjaž Perc, Roomila Naeck, Véronique Di Costanzo, Moez Bouchouicha, Farhat Fnaiech, Mounir Sayadi, and Takoua Hamdi, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 111, 198-205 (2018)
- Individual-based modelling and control of bovine brucellosis, Erivelton G. Nepomuceno, Alípio M. Barbosa, Marcos X. Silva, and Matjaž Perc, R. Soc. Open Sci. 5, 180200 (2018)
- Aspiration-based coevolution of link weight promotes cooperation in the spatial prisoner's dilemma game, Chen Shen, Chen Chu, Lei Shi, Matjaž Perc, and Zhen Wang, R. Soc. Open Sci. 5, 180199 (2018)
- Dynamical and static multisynchronization of coupled multistable neural networks via impulsive control, Xiaoxiao Lv, Xiaodi Li, Jinde Cao, and Matjaž Perc, IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. Learn. Syst. 29, 6062-6072 (2018)
- Inconsistencies in numerical simulations of dynamical systems using interval arithmetic, Erivelton G. Nepomuceno, Márcia L. C. Peixoto, Samir A. M. Martins, Heitor M. Rodrigues Junior, and Matjaž Perc, Int. J. Bifurcat. Chaos 28, 1850055 (2018)
- Heterogeneous investments promote cooperation in evolutionary public goods games, Qun Wang, Hanchen Wang, Zhuxi Zhang, Yumeng Li, Yu Liu, and Matjaž Perc, Physica A 502, 570-575 (2018)
- The dynamical structure of political corruption networks, Haroldo V. Ribeiro, Luiz G. A. Alves, Alvaro F. Martins, Ervin K. Lenzi, and Matjaž Perc, J. Complex Netw. 6, 989-1003 (2018)
- Switching laws design for stability of finite and infinite delayed switched systems with stable and unstable modes, Xiaodi Li, Jinde Cao, and Matjaž Perc, IEEE Access 6, 6677-6691 (2018)
- Loosening the shackles of scientific disciplines with network science, Marko Gosak, Rene Markovič, Jurij Dolenšek, Marjan Slak Rupnik, Marko Marhl, Andraž Stožer, and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Life Rev. 24, 162-167 (2018)
- Network science of biological systems at different scales: A review, Marko Gosak, Rene Markovič, Jurij Dolenšek, Marjan Slak Rupnik, Marko Marhl, Andraž Stožer, and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Life Rev. 24, 118-135 (2018)
- Detecting unreliable computer simulations of recursive functions with interval extensions, Erivelton G. Nepomuceno, Samir A. M. Martins, Bruno C. Silva, Gleison F. V. Amaral, and Matjaž Perc, Appl. Math. Comput. 329, 408-419 (2018)
- Evolutionary dynamics of cooperation in neutral populations, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, New J. Phys. 20, 013031 (2018)
- Neighborhood diversity promotes cooperation in social dilemmas, Jiahu Qin, Yaming Chen, Weiming Fu, Yu Kang, and Matjaž Perc, IEEE Access 6, 5003-5009 (2018)
- Stability of subsystem solutions in agent-based models, Matjaž Perc, Eur. J. Phys. 39, 014001 (2018)
- Effects of compassion on the evolution of cooperation in spatial social dilemmas, Yumeng Li, Jun Zhang, and Matjaž Perc, Appl. Math. Comput. 320, 437-443 (2018)
- Second-order free-riding on antisocial punishment restores the effectiveness of prosocial punishment, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. X 7, 041027 (2017)
- Critical and supercritical spatiotemporal calcium dynamics in beta cells, Marko Gosak, Andraž Stožer, Rene Markovič, Jurij Dolenšek, Matjaž Perc, Marjan Slak Rupnik, and Marko Marhl, Front. Physiol. 8, 1106 (2017)
- Disordered configurations of the Glauber model in two-dimensional networks, Iva Bačić, Igor Franović, and Matjaž Perc, EPL 120, 68001 (2017)
- Robust clustering of languages across Wikipedia growth, Kristina Ban, Matjaž Perc, and Zoran Levnajić, R. Soc. Open Sci. 4, 171217 (2017)
- Information cascades in complex networks, Mahdi Jalili and Matjaž Perc, J. Complex Netw. 5, 665-693 (2017)
- Frequency-difference-dependent stochastic resonance in neural systems, Daqing Guo, Matjaž Perc, Yangsong Zhang, Peng Xu, and Dezhong Yao, Phys. Rev. E 96, 022415 (2017)
- Link prediction on Twitter, Sanda Martinčić-Ipšić, Edvin Močibob, and Matjaž Perc, PLoS ONE 12, e0181079 (2017)
- Chimera states in a multilayer network of coupled and uncoupled neurons, Soumen Majhi, Matjaž Perc, and Dibakar Ghosh, Chaos 27, 073109 (2017)
- Vaccination and epidemics in networked populations, Zhen Wang, Yamir Moreno, Stefano Boccaletti, and Matjaž Perc, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 103, 177-183 (2017)
- Statistical physics of human cooperation, Matjaž Perc, Jillian J. Jordan, David G. Rand, Zhen Wang, Stefano Boccaletti, and Attila Szolnoki, Phys. Rep. 687, 1-51 (2017)
- Social diversity promotes cooperation in spatial multigames, Jiahu Qin, Yaming Chen, Yu Kang, and Matjaž Perc, EPL 118, 18002 (2017)
- Chimera states: Effects of different coupling topologies, Bidesh K. Bera, Soumen Majhi, Dibakar Ghosh, and Matjaž Perc, EPL 118, 10001 (2017)
- Effects of partial time delays on phase synchronization in Watts-Strogatz small-world neuronal networks, Xiaojuan Sun, Matjaž Perc, and Jürgen Kurths, Chaos 27, 053113 (2017)
- Determinants of public cooperation in multiplex networks, Federico Battiston, Matjaž Perc, and Vito Latora, New J. Phys. 19, 073017 (2017)
- Trilobite 'pelotons': Possible hydrodynamic drag effects between leading and following trilobites in trilobite queues, Hugh Trenchard, Carlton E. Brett, and Matjaž Perc, Palaeontology 60, 557-569 (2017)
- Basin stability for chimera states, Sarbendu Rakshit, Bidesh K. Bera, Matjaž Perc, and Dibakar Ghosh, Sci. Rep. 7, 2412 (2017)
- Performance of small-world feedforward neural networks for the diagnosis of diabetes, Okan Erkaymaz, Mahmut Özer, and Matjaž Perc, Appl. Math. Comput. 311, 22-28 (2017)
- High-performance parallel computing in the classroom using the public goods game as an example, Matjaž Perc, Eur. J. Phys. 38, 045801 (2017)
- Role-separating ordering in social dilemmas controlled by topological frustration, Marco A. Amaral, Matjaž Perc, Lucas Wardil, Attila Szolnoki, Elton J. da Silva Júnior, and Jafferson K. L. da Silva, Phys. Rev. E 95, 032307 (2017)
- Synchronization of oscillators through time-shifted common inputs, Ehsan Bolhasani, Yousef Azizi, Alireza Valizadeh, and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. E 95, 032207 (2017)
- Link prediction in multiplex online social networks, Mahdi Jalili, Yasin Orouskhani, Milad Asgari, Nazanin Alipourfard, and Matjaž Perc, R. Soc. Open Sci. 4, 160863 (2017)
- Statistical physics of vaccination, Zhen Wang, Chris T. Bauch, Samit Bhattacharyya, Alberto d'Onofrio, Piero Manfredi, Matjaž Perc, Nicola Perra, Marcel Salathé, and Dawei Zhao, Phys. Rep. 664, 1-113 (2016)
- From degree-correlated to payoff-correlated activity for an optimal resolution of social dilemmas, Alberto Aleta, Sandro Meloni, Matjaž Perc, and Yamir Moreno, Phys. Rev. E 94, 062315 (2016)
- Chimera states in uncoupled neurons induced by a multilayer structure, Soumen Majhi, Matjaž Perc, and Dibakar Ghosh, Sci. Rep. 6, 39033 (2016)
- Biodiversity in models of cyclic dominance is preserved by heterogeneity in site-specific invasion rates, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, Sci. Rep. 6, 38608 (2016)
- Toward the discovery of citation cartels in citation networks, Iztok Fister Jr., Iztok Fister, and Matjaž Perc, Front. Phys. 4, 49 (2016)
- Stochastic win-stay-lose-shift strategy with dynamic aspirations in evolutionary social dilemmas, Marco A. Amaral, Lucas Wardil, Matjaž Perc, and Jafferson K. L. da Silva, Phys. Rev. E 94, 032317 (2016)
- Competition of tolerant strategies in the spatial public goods game, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, New J. Phys. 18, 083021 (2016)
- Phase transitions in models of human cooperation, Matjaž Perc, Phys. Lett. A 380, 2803-2808 (2016)
- Homophily in coauthorship networks of East European sociologists, Marian-Gabriel Hâncean and Matjaž Perc, Sci. Rep. 6, 36152 (2016)
- Autapse-induced multiple coherence resonance in single neurons and neuronal networks, Ergin Yilmaz, Mahmut Özer, Veli Baysal, and Matjaž Perc, Sci. Rep. 6, 30914 (2016)
- Energy saving mechanisms, collective behavior and the variation range hypothesis in biological systems: A review, Hugh Trenchard and Matjaž Perc, BioSystems 147, 40-66 (2016)
- Zealots tame oscillations in the spatial rock-paper-scissors game, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. E 93, 062307 (2016)
- Phase response curves for models of earthquake fault dynamics, Igor Franović, Srđan Kostić, Matjaž Perc, Vladimir V. Klinshov, Vladimir Nekorkin, and Jürgen Kurths, Chaos 26, 063105 (2016)
- Firing regulation of fast-spiking interneurons by autaptic inhibition, Daqing Guo, Mingming Chen, Matjaž Perc, Shengdun Wu, Chuan Xia, Yangsong Zhang, Peng Xu, Yang Xia, and Dezhong Yao, EPL 114, 30001 (2016)
- Regulation of irregular neuronal firing by autaptic transmission, Daqing Guo, Shengdun Wu, Mingming Chen, Matjaž Perc, Yangsong Zhang, Jingling Ma, Yan Cui, Peng Xu, Yang Xia, and Dezhong Yao, Sci. Rep. 6, 26096 (2016)
- Equivalences in biological and economical systems: Peloton dynamics and the rebound effect, Hugh Trenchard and Matjaž Perc, PLoS ONE 11, e0155395 (2016)
- Collective influence in evolutionary social dilemmas, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, EPL 113, 58004 (2016)
- Evolutionary mixed games in structured populations: Cooperation and the benefits of heterogeneity, Marco A. Amaral, Lucas Wardil, Matjaž Perc, and Jafferson K. L. da Silva, Phys. Rev. E 93, 042304 (2016)
- Leaders should not be conformists in evolutionary social dilemmas, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, Sci. Rep. 6, 23633 (2016)
- How much interconnected should networks be for cooperation to thrive?, Zhen Wang, Attila Szolnoki, and Matjaž Perc, Interconnected Networks (ed.), 125-139 (2016)
- Evolution of conditional cooperation under multilevel selection, Huanren Zhang and Matjaž Perc, Sci. Rep. 6, 23006 (2016)
- Artificial neural network regression as a local search heuristic for ensemble strategies in differential evolution, Iztok Fister, Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam Suganthan, Iztok Fister Jr., Salahuddin M. Kamal, Fahad M. Al-Marzouki, Matjaž Perc, and Damjan Strnad, Nonlinear Dyn. 84, 895-914 (2016)
- Enhancement of pacemaker induced stochastic resonance by an autapse in a scale-free neuronal network, Ergin Yilmaz, Veli Baysal, Matjaž Perc, and Mahmut Özer, Sci. China Technol. Sci. 59, 364-370 (2016)
- Autaptic pacemaker mediated propagation of weak rhythmic activity across small-world neuronal networks, Ergin Yilmaz, Veli Baysal, Mahmut Özer, and Matjaž Perc, Physica A 444, 538-546 (2016)
- Activation process in excitable systems with multiple noise sources: Large number of units, Igor Franović, Matjaž Perc, Kristina Todorović, Srđan Kostić, and Nikola Burić, Phys. Rev. E 92, 062912 (2015)
- Activation process in excitable systems with multiple noise sources: One and two interacting units, Igor Franović, Kristina Todorović, Matjaž Perc, Nebojša Vasović, and Nikola Burić, Phys. Rev. E 92, 062911 (2015)
- Evolution of public cooperation in a monitored society with implicated punishment and within-group enforcement, Xiaojie Chen, Tatsuya Sasaki, and Matjaž Perc, Sci. Rep. 5, 17050 (2015)
- Vortices determine the dynamics of biodiversity in cyclical interactions with protection spillovers, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, New J. Phys. 17, 113033 (2015)
- The cost of attack in competing networks, Boris Podobnik, Davor Horvatić, Tomislav Lipić, Matjaž Perc, Javier M. Buldú, and H. Eugene Stanley, J. R. Soc. Interface 12, 20150770 (2015)
- Antisocial pool rewarding does not deter public cooperation, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, Proc. R. Soc. B 282, 20151975 (2015)
- Competition and cooperation among different punishing strategies in the spatial public goods game, Xiaojie Chen, Attila Szolnoki, and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. E 92, 012819 (2015)
- Disinhibition-induced transitions between absence and tonic-clonic epileptic seizures, Denggui Fan, Qingyun Wang, and Matjaž Perc, Sci. Rep. 5, 12618 (2015)
- Stability of cooperation under image scoring in group interactions, Heinrich H. Nax, Matjaž Perc, Attila Szolnoki, and Dirk Helbing, Sci. Rep. 5, 12145 (2015)
- The relationship between node degree and dissipation rate in networks of diffusively coupled oscillators and its significance for pancreatic beta cells, Marko Gosak, Andraž Stožer, Rene Markovič, Jurij Dolenšek, Marko Marhl, Marjan Slak Rupnik, and Matjaž Perc, Chaos 25, 073115 (2015)
- Reentrant phase transitions and defensive alliances in social dilemmas with informed strategies, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, EPL 110, 38003 (2015)
- Evolutionary games on multilayer networks: A colloquium, Zhen Wang, Lin Wang, Attila Szolnoki, and Matjaž Perc, Eur. Phys. J. B 88, 124 (2015)
- A double-edged sword: Benefits and pitfalls of heterogeneous punishment in evolutionary inspection games, Matjaž Perc and Attila Szolnoki, Sci. Rep. 5, 11027 (2015)
- Computational intelligence in sports: Challenges and opportunities within a new research domain, Iztok Fister Jr., Karin Ljubič, Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam Suganthan, Matjaž Perc, and Iztok Fister, Appl. Math. Comput. 262, 178-186 (2015)
- Networks of networks, Dror Y. Kenett, Matjaž Perc, and Stefano Boccaletti, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 80, 1-6 (2015)
- Dynamic instability of cooperation due to diverse activity patterns in evolutionary social dilemmas, Chengyi Xia, Sandro Meloni, Matjaž Perc, and Yamir Moreno, EPL 109, 58002 (2015)
- A review of chaos-based firefly algorithms: Perspectives and research challenges, Iztok Fister Jr., Matjaž Perc, Salahuddin M. Kamal, and Iztok Fister, Appl. Math. Comput. 252, 155-165 (2015)
- An evolutionary inspection game with labour unions on small-world networks, Salahuddin M. Kamal, Yas Al-Hadeethi, Fouad A. Abolaban, Fahad M. Al-Marzouki, and Matjaž Perc, Sci. Rep. 5, 8881 (2015)
- Directional learning and the provisioning of public goods, Heinrich H. Nax and Matjaž Perc, Sci. Rep. 5, 8010 (2015)
- Conformity enhances network reciprocity in evolutionary social dilemmas, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, J. R. Soc. Interface 12, 20141299 (2015)
- Particle swarm optimization for automatic creation of complex graphic characters, Iztok Fister Jr., Matjaž Perc, Karin Ljubič, Salahuddin M. Kamal, Andres Iglesias, and Iztok Fister, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 73, 29-35 (2015)
- A deceleration model for bicycle peloton dynamics and group sorting, Hugh Trenchard, Erick Ratamero, Ashlin Richardson, and Matjaž Perc, Appl. Math. Comput. 251, 24-34 (2015)
- Physics for better human societies, Maria R. D'Orsogna and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Life Rev. 12, 40-43 (2015)
- Statistical physics of crime: A review, Maria R. D'Orsogna and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Life Rev. 12, 1-21 (2015)
- Saving human lives: What complexity science and information systems can contribute, Dirk Helbing, Dirk Brockmann, Thomas Chadefaux, Karsten Donnay, Ulf Blanke, Olivia Woolley-Meza, Mehdi Moussaid, Anders Johansson, Jens Krause, Sebastian Schutte, and Matjaž Perc, J. Stat. Phys. 158, 735-781 (2015)
- Inheritance patterns in citation networks reveal scientific memes, Tobias Kuhn, Matjaž Perc, and Dirk Helbing, Phys. Rev. X 4, 041036 (2014)
- Solving the collective-risk social dilemma with risky assets in well-mixed and structured populations, Xiaojie Chen, Yanling Zhang, Ting-Zhu Huang, and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. E 90, 052823 (2014)
- Coevolutionary success-driven multigames, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, EPL 108, 28004 (2014)
- Costly hide and seek pays: Unexpected consequences of deceit in a social dilemma, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, New J. Phys. 16, 113003 (2014)
- Fragmented Romanian sociology: Growth and structure of the collaboration network, Marian-Gabriel Hâncean, Matjaž Perc, and Lazăr Vlăsceanu, PLoS ONE 9, e113271 (2014)
- Different perceptions of social dilemmas: Evolutionary multigames in structured populations, Zhen Wang, Attila Szolnoki, and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. E 90, 032813 (2014)
- Cyclic dominance in evolutionary games: A review, Attila Szolnoki, Mauro Mobilia, Luo-Luo Jiang, Bartosz Szczesny, Alastair M. Rucklidge, and Matjaž Perc, J. R. Soc. Interface 11, 20140735 (2014)
- The Matthew effect in empirical data, Matjaž Perc, J. R. Soc. Interface 11, 20140378 (2014)
- Impact of density and interconnectedness of influential players on social welfare, Matjaž Perc, Otilija Petek, and Salahuddin M. Kamal, Appl. Math. Comput. 249, 19-23 (2014)
- Temporal distribution of recorded magnitudes in Serbia earthquake catalog, Srđan Kostić, Nebojša Vasović, and Matjaž Perc, Appl. Math. Comput. 244, 917-924 (2014)
- Optimal distribution of incentives for public cooperation in heterogeneous interaction environments, Xiaojie Chen and Matjaž Perc, Front. Behav. Neurosci. 8, 248 (2014)
- Probabilistic sharing solves the problem of costly punishment, Xiaojie Chen, Attila Szolnoki, and Matjaž Perc, New J. Phys. 16, 083016 (2014)
- From pairwise to group interactions in games of cyclic dominance, Attila Szolnoki, Jeromos Vukov, and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. E 89, 062125 (2014)
- Defection and extortion as unexpected catalysts of unconditional cooperation in structured populations, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, Sci. Rep. 4, 5496 (2014)
- Triggered dynamics in a model of different fault creep regimes, Srđan Kostić, Igor Franović, Matjaž Perc, Nebojša Vasović, and Kristina Todorović, Sci. Rep. 4, 5401 (2014)
- Degree mixing in multilayer networks impedes the evolution of cooperation, Zhen Wang, Lin Wang, and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. E 89, 052813 (2014)
- Facilitators on networks reveal optimal interplay between information exchange and reciprocity, Attila Szolnoki, Matjaž Perc, and Mauro Mobilia, Phys. Rev. E 89, 042802 (2014)
- Community structure and the evolution of interdisciplinarity in Slovenia's scientific collaboration network, Borut Lužar, Zoran Levnajić, Janez Povh, and Matjaž Perc, PLoS ONE 9, e94429 (2014)
- Can scale-freeness offset delayed signal detection in neuronal networks?, Rukiye Uzun, Mahmut Özer, and Matjaž Perc, EPL 105, 60002 (2014)
- Collective behavior and the identification of phases in bicycle pelotons, Hugh Trenchard, Ashlin Richardson, Erick Ratamero, and Matjaž Perc, Physica A 405, 92-103 (2014)
- Self-organization towards optimally interdependent networks by means of coevolution, Zhen Wang, Attila Szolnoki, and Matjaž Perc, New J. Phys. 16, 033041 (2014)
- Binary birth-death dynamics and the expansion of cooperation by means of self-organized growth, Attila Szolnoki, Alberto Antonioni, Marco Tomassini, and Matjaž Perc, EPL 105, 48001 (2014)
- Excessive abundance of common resources deters social responsibility, Xiaojie Chen and Matjaž Perc, Sci. Rep. 4, 4161 (2014)
- Evolution of extortion in structured populations, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. E 89, 022804 (2014)
- Rewarding evolutionary fitness with links between populations promotes cooperation, Zhen Wang, Attila Szolnoki, and Matjaž Perc, J. Theor. Biol. 349, 50-56 (2014)
- Correlation of positive and negative reciprocity fails to confer an evolutionary advantage: Phase transitions to elementary strategies, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. X 3, 041021 (2013)
- Predictions of experimentally observed stochastic ground vibrations induced by blasting, Srđan Kostić, Matjaž Perc, Nebojša Vasović, and Slobodan Trajković, PLoS ONE 8, e82056 (2013)
- Effects of adaptive degrees of trust on coevolution of quantum strategies on scale-free networks, Qiang Li, Minyou Chen, Matjaž Perc, Azhar Iqbal, and Derek Abbott, Sci. Rep. 3, 2949 (2013)
- Understanding recurrent crime as system-immanent collective behavior, Matjaž Perc, Karsten Donnay, and Dirk Helbing, PLoS ONE 8, e76063 (2013)
- Spreading of cooperative behaviour across interdependent groups, Luo-Luo Jiang and Matjaž Perc, Sci. Rep. 3, 2483 (2013)
- Optimal interdependence between networks for the evolution of cooperation, Zhen Wang, Attila Szolnoki, and Matjaž Perc, Sci. Rep. 3, 2470 (2013)
- Stochastic resonance in hybrid scale-free neuronal networks, Ergin Yilmaz, Muhammet Uzuntarla, Mahmut Özer, and Matjaž Perc, Physica A 392, 5735-5741 (2013)
- Noise-delayed decay in the response of a scale-free neuronal network, Muhammet Uzuntarla, Rukiye Uzun, Ergin Yilmaz, Mahmut Özer, and Matjaž Perc, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 56, 202-208 (2013)
- Collective behavior and evolutionary games, Matjaž Perc and Paolo Grigolini, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 56, 1-5 (2013)
- Coevolution of quantum and classical strategies on evolving random networks, Qiang Li, Azhar Iqbal, Matjaž Perc, Minyou Chen, and Derek Abbott, PLoS ONE 8, e68423 (2013)
- Decelerated invasion and waning-moon patterns in public goods games with delayed distribution, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. E 87, 054801 (2013)
- Self-organization of progress across the century of physics, Matjaž Perc, Sci. Rep. 3, 1720 (2013)
- If cooperation is likely punish mildly: Insights from economic experiments based on the snowdrift game, Luo-Luo Jiang, Matjaž Perc, and Attila Szolnoki, PLoS ONE 8, e64677 (2013)
- Information sharing promotes prosocial behaviour, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, New J. Phys. 15, 053010 (2013)
- Stochastic nature of earthquake ground motion, Srđan Kostić, Nebojša Vasović, Matjaž Perc, Marinko Toljić, and Dobrica Nikolić, Physica A 392, 4134-4145 (2013)
- Evolution of emotions on networks leads to the evolution of cooperation in social dilemmas, Attila Szolnoki, Neng-Gang Xie, Ye Ye, and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. E 87, 042805 (2013)
- Effectiveness of conditional punishment for the evolution of public cooperation, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, J. Theor. Biol. 325, 34-41 (2013)
- Interdependent network reciprocity in evolutionary games, Zhen Wang, Attila Szolnoki, and Matjaž Perc, Sci. Rep. 3, 1183 (2013)
- Functional connectivity in islets of Langerhans from mouse pancreas tissue slices, Andraž Stožer, Marko Gosak, Jurij Dolenšek, Matjaž Perc, Marko Marhl, Marjan Slak Rupnik, and Dean Korošak, PLoS Comput. Biol. 9, e1002923 (2013)
- Synaptic plasticity induced transition of spike propagation in neuronal networks, Honghui Zhang, Qingyun Wang, Matjaž Perc, and Guanrong Chen, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 18, 601-615 (2013)
- Evolutionary dynamics of group interactions on structured populations: A review, Matjaž Perc, Jesús Gómez-Gardeñes, Attila Szolnoki, Luis M. Floría, and Yamir Moreno, J. R. Soc. Interface 10, 20120997 (2013)
- Languages cool as they expand: Allometric scaling and the decreasing need for new words, Alexander M. Petersen, Joel N. Tenenbaum, Shlomo Havlin, H. Eugene Stanley, and Matjaž Perc, Sci. Rep. 2, 943 (2012)
- Accuracy in strategy imitations promotes the evolution of fairness in the spatial ultimatum game, Attila Szolnoki, Matjaž Perc, and György Szabó, EPL 100, 28005 (2012)
- Beyond pairwise strategy updating in the prisoner's dilemma game, Xiaofeng Wang, Matjaž Perc, Yongkui Liu, Xiaojie Chen, and Long Wang, Sci. Rep. 2, 740 (2012)
- Risk-driven migration and the collective-risk social dilemma, Xiaojie Chen, Attila Szolnoki, and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. E 86, 036101 (2012)
- Averting group failures in collective-risk social dilemmas, Xiaojie Chen, Attila Szolnoki, and Matjaž Perc, EPL 99, 68003 (2012)
- Modeling the seasonal adaptation of circadian clocks by changes in the network structure of the suprachiasmatic nucleus, Christian Bodenstein, Marko Gosak, Stefan Schuster, Marko Marhl, and Matjaž Perc, PLoS Comput. Biol. 8, e1002697 (2012)
- Wisdom of groups promotes cooperation in evolutionary social dilemmas, Attila Szolnoki, Zhen Wang, and Matjaž Perc, Sci. Rep. 2, 576 (2012)
- Evolutionary advantages of adaptive rewarding, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, New J. Phys. 14, 093016 (2012)
- Defense mechanisms of empathetic players in the spatial ultimatum game, Attila Szolnoki, Matjaž Perc, and György Szabó, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 078701 (2012)
- Evolution of the most common English words and phrases over the centuries, Matjaž Perc, J. R. Soc. Interface 9, 3323-3328 (2012)
- Impact of generalized benefit functions on the evolution of cooperation in spatial public goods games with continuous strategies, Xiaojie Chen, Attila Szolnoki, Matjaž Perc, and Long Wang, Phys. Rev. E 85, 066133 (2012)
- Complex synchronous behavior in interneuronal networks with delayed inhibitory and fast electrical synapses, Daqing Guo, Qingyun Wang, and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. E 85, 061905 (2012)
- Adaptive and bounded investment returns promote cooperation in spatial public goods games, Xiaojie Chen, Yongkui Liu, Yonghui Zhou, Long Wang, and Matjaž Perc, PLoS ONE 7, e36895 (2012)
- Self-organization of punishment in structured populations, Matjaž Perc and Attila Szolnoki, New J. Phys. 14, 043013 (2012)
- If players are sparse social dilemmas are too: Importance of percolation for evolution of cooperation, Zhen Wang, Attila Szolnoki, and Matjaž Perc, Sci. Rep. 2, 369 (2012)
- Different reactions to adverse neighborhoods in games of cooperation, Chunyan Zhang, Jianlei Zhang, Franz J. Weissing, Matjaž Perc, Guangming Xie, and Long Wang, PLoS ONE 7, e35183 (2012)
- Percolation threshold determines the optimal population density for public cooperation, Zhen Wang, Attila Szolnoki, and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. E 85, 037101 (2012)
- Duality of terrestrial subterranean fauna, Tone Novak, Matjaž Perc, Saška Lipovšek, and Franc Janžekovič, Int. J. Speleol. 41, 181-188 (2012)
- Sustainable institutionalized punishment requires elimination of second-order free-riders, Matjaž Perc, Sci. Rep. 2, 344 (2012)
- Culturomics meets random fractal theory: Insights into long-range correlations of social and natural phenomena over the past two centuries, Jianbo Gao, Jing Hu, Xiang Mao, and Matjaž Perc, J. R. Soc. Interface 9, 1956-1964 (2012)
- Multiple firing coherence resonances in excitatory and inhibitory coupled neurons, Qingyun Wang, Honghui Zhang, Matjaž Perc, and Guanrong Chen, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 17, 3979-3988 (2012)
- Conditional strategies and the evolution of cooperation in spatial public goods games, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. E 85, 026104 (2012)
- Evolution of public cooperation on interdependent networks: The impact of biased utility functions, Zhen Wang, Attila Szolnoki, and Matjaž Perc, EPL 97, 48001 (2012)
- Win-stay-lose-learn promotes cooperation in the spatial prisoner's dilemma game, Yongkui Liu, Xiaojie Chen, Lin Zhang, Long Wang, and Matjaž Perc, PLoS ONE 7, e30689 (2012)
- The impact of static disorder on vibrational resonance in a ferroelectric liquid crystal, Marko Gosak, Matjaž Perc, and Samo Kralj, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 553, 13-20 (2012)
- Does strong heterogeneity promote cooperation by group interactions?, Matjaž Perc, New J. Phys. 13, 123027 (2011)
- Evolution of interactions and cooperation in the spatial prisoner's dilemma game, Chunyan Zhang, Jianlei Zhang, Guangming Xie, Long Wang, and Matjaž Perc, PLoS ONE 6, e26724 (2011)
- Group-size effects on the evolution of cooperation in the spatial public goods game, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. E 84, 047102 (2011)
- Success-driven distribution of public goods promotes cooperation but preserves defection, Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. E 84, 037102 (2011)
- Imitating emotions instead of strategies in spatial games elevates social welfare, Attila Szolnoki, Neng-Gang Xie, Chao Wang, and Matjaž Perc, EPL 96, 38002 (2011)
- Effects of competition on pattern formation in the rock-paper-scissors game, Luo-Luo Jiang, Tao Zhou, Matjaž Perc, and Bing-Hong Wang, Phys. Rev. E 84, 021912 (2011)
- Resolution of the stochastic strategy spatial prisoner's dilemma by means of particle swarm optimization, Jianlei Zhang, Chunyan Zhang, Tianguang Chu, and Matjaž Perc, PLoS ONE 6, e21787 (2011)
- Evolutionary games on visibility graphs, Aleksandra Murks and Matjaž Perc, Adv. Complex Syst. 14, 307-315 (2011)
- Gap junctions and epileptic seizures - Two sides of the same coin?, Vladislav Volman, Matjaž Perc, and Maxim Bazhenov, PLoS ONE 6, e20572 (2011)
- Stochastic resonance in a locally excited system of bistable oscillators, Marko Gosak, Matjaž Perc, and Samo Kralj, Eur. Phys. J. B 80, 519-528 (2011)
- Taming desynchronized bursting with delays in the Macaque cortical network, Qingyun Wang, Aleksandra Murks, Matjaž Perc, and Qishao Lu, Chin. Phys. B 20, 040504 (2011)
- Burst synchronization transitions in a neuronal network of subnetworks, Xiaojuan Sun, Jinzhi Lei, Matjaž Perc, Jürgen Kurths, and Guanrong Chen, Chaos 21, 016110 (2011)
- Coveting thy neighbors fitness as a means to resolve social dilemmas, Zhen Wang, Aleksandra Murks, Wenbo Du, Zhihai Rong, and Matjaž Perc, J. Theor. Biol. 277, 19-26 (2011)
- Phase diagrams for the spatial public goods game with pool punishment, Attila Szolnoki, György Szabó, and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. E 83, 036101 (2011)
- Impact of link deletions on public cooperation in scale-free networks, Luo-Luo Jiang, Matjaž Perc, Wen-Xu Wang, Ying-Cheng Lai, and Bing-Hong Wang, EPL 93, 40001 (2011)
- Effects of channel noise on firing coherence of small-world Hodgkin-Huxley neuronal networks, Xiaojuan Sun, Jinzhi Lei, Matjaž Perc, Qishao Lu, and Shujuan Lv, Eur. Phys. J. B 79, 61-66 (2011)
- Synchronous bursts on scale-free neuronal networks with attractive and repulsive coupling, Qingyun Wang, Guanrong Chen, and Matjaž Perc, PLoS ONE 6, e15851 (2011)
- Experimental observation of a chaos-to-chaos transition in laser droplet generation, Blaž Krese, Matjaž Perc, and Edvard Govekar, Int. J. Bifurcat. Chaos 21, 1689-1699 (2011)
- Heterogeneous aspirations promote cooperation in the prisoner's dilemma game, Matjaž Perc and Zhen Wang, PLoS ONE 5, e15117 (2010)
- Niche partitioning in orbweaving spiders Meta menardi and Metellina merianae (Tetragnathidae), Tone Novak, Tina Tkavc, Matjaž Kuntner, Amy E. Arnett, Saška Lipovšek, Matjaž Perc, and Franc Janžekovič, Acta Oecol. 36, 522-529 (2010)
- Reward and cooperation in the spatial public goods game, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, EPL 92, 38003 (2010)
- Cross-linguistic neuroimaging and dyslexia: A critical view, Tarik Hadzibeganovic, Maurits van den Noort, Peggy Bosch, Matjaž Perc, Rosalinde van Kralingen, Katrien Mondt, and Max Coltheart, Cortex 46, 1312-1316 (2010)
- Effects of correlated Gaussian noise on the mean firing rate and correlations of an electrically coupled neuronal network, Xiaojuan Sun, Matjaž Perc, Qishao Lu, and Jürgen Kurths, Chaos 20, 033116 (2010)
- Growth and structure of Slovenia's scientific collaboration network, Matjaž Perc, J. Informetr. 4, 475-482 (2010)
- Using Jensen's inequality to explain the role of regular calcium oscillations in protein activation, Christian Bodenstein, Beate Knoke, Marko Marhl, Matjaž Perc, and Stefan Schuster, Phys. Biol. 7, 036009 (2010)
- Aspiring to the fittest and promotion of cooperation in the prisoner's dilemma game, Zhen Wang and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. E 82, 021115 (2010)
- Punish, but not too hard: How costly punishment spreads in the spatial public goods game, Dirk Helbing, Attila Szolnoki, Matjaž Perc, and György Szabó, New J. Phys. 12, 083005 (2010)
- Jensen's inequality as a tool for explaining the effect of oscillations on the average cytosolic calcium concentration, Beate Knoke, Christian Bodenstein, Marko Marhl, Matjaž Perc, and Stefan Schuster, Theory Biosci. 129, 25-38 (2010)
- Zipf's law and log-normal distributions in measures of scientific output across fields and institutions: 40 years of Slovenia's research as an example, Matjaž Perc, J. Informetr. 4, 358-364 (2010)
- Impact of delays and rewiring on the dynamics of small-world neuronal networks with two types of coupling, Qingyun Wang, Matjaž Perc, Zhisheng Duan, and Guanrong Chen, Physica A 389, 3299-3306 (2010)
- Cautionary example of nonlinear time series analysis: From tones to sounds, Said Bešlagić and Matjaž Perc, Nonlinear Phenom. Complex Syst. 13, 70-78 (2010)
- Defector-accelerated cooperativeness and punishment in public goods games with mutations, Dirk Helbing, Attila Szolnoki, Matjaž Perc, and György Szabó, Phys. Rev. E 81, 057104 (2010)
- Impact of critical mass on the evolution of cooperation in spatial public goods games, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. E 81, 057101 (2010)
- Evolutionary establishment of moral and double moral standards through spatial interactions, Dirk Helbing, Attila Szolnoki, Matjaž Perc, and György Szabó, PLoS Comput. Biol. 6, e1000758 (2010)
- Spatial coherence resonance in delayed Hodgkin-Huxley neuronal networks, Qingyun Wang, Matjaž Perc, Zhisheng Duan, and Guanrong Chen, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 24, 1201-1213 (2010)
- Importance of cell variability for calcium signaling in rat airway myocytes, Marko Marhl, Marko Gosak, Matjaž Perc, and Etienne Roux, Biophys. Chem. 148, 42-50 (2010)
- Delay-aided stochastic multiresonances on scale-free FitzHugh-Nagumo neuronal networks, Chunbiao Gan, Matjaž Perc, and Qingyun Wang, Chin. Phys. B 19, 040508 (2010)
- Fast random rewiring and strong connectivity impair subthreshold signal detection in excitable networks, Vladislav Volman and Matjaž Perc, New J. Phys. 12, 043013 (2010)
- Sustainability of culture-driven population dynamics, Stefano Ghirlanda, Magnus Enquist, and Matjaž Perc, Theor. Popul. Biol. 77, 181-188 (2010)
- The dynamics of laser droplet generation, Blaž Krese, Matjaž Perc, and Edvard Govekar, Chaos 20, 013129 (2010)
- Weak signal propagation through noisy feedforward neuronal networks, Mahmut Özer, Matjaž Perc, Muhammet Uzuntarla, and Etem Koklukaya, NeuroReport 21, 338-343 (2010)
- Torus breakdown and noise-induced dynamics in the randomly driven Morse oscillator, Chunbiao Gan, Qingyun Wang, and Matjaž Perc, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43, 125102 (2010)
- Coevolutionary games - A mini review, Matjaž Perc and Attila Szolnoki, BioSystems 99, 109-125 (2010)
- Topology-independent impact of noise on cooperation in spatial public goods games, Attila Szolnoki, Matjaž Perc, and György Szabó, Phys. Rev. E 80, 056109 (2009)
- Phase diagrams for three-strategy evolutionary prisoner's dilemma games on regular graphs, Attila Szolnoki, Matjaž Perc, and György Szabó, Phys. Rev. E 80, 056104 (2009)
- Spike latency and jitter of neuronal membrane patches with stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley channels, Mahmut Özer, Muhammet Uzuntarla, Matjaž Perc, and Lyle J. Graham, J. Theor. Biol. 261, 83-92 (2009)
- Emergence of target waves in paced populations of cyclically competing species, Luo-Luo Jiang, Tao Zhou, Matjaž Perc, Xin Huang, and Bing-Hong Wang, New J. Phys. 11, 103001 (2009)
- Emergence of multilevel selection in the prisoner's dilemma game on coevolving random networks, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, New J. Phys. 11, 093033 (2009)
- Prevalence of stochasticity in experimentally observed responses of pancreatic acinar cells to acetylcholine, Matjaž Perc, Marjan Slak Rupnik, Marko Gosak, and Marko Marhl, Chaos 19, 037113 (2009)
- Synchronization transitions on scale-free neuronal networks due to finite information transmission delays, Qingyun Wang, Matjaž Perc, Zhisheng Duan, and Guanrong Chen, Phys. Rev. E 80, 026206 (2009)
- Impact of aging on the evolution of cooperation in the spatial prisoner's dilemma game, Attila Szolnoki, Matjaž Perc, György Szabó, and Hans-Ulrich Stark, Phys. Rev. E 80, 021901 (2009)
- Nonlinearities in mating sounds of American crocodiles, Tina P. Benko and Matjaž Perc, BioSystems 97, 154-159 (2009)
- Controlling the spontaneous spiking regularity via channel blocking on Newman-Watts networks of Hodgkin-Huxley neurons, Mahmut Özer, Matjaž Perc, and Muhammet Uzuntarla, EPL 86, 40008 (2009)
- Resolving social dilemmas on evolving random networks, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, EPL 86, 30007 (2009)
- Delay-induced multiple stochastic resonances on scale-free neuronal networks, Qingyun Wang, Matjaž Perc, Zhisheng Duan, and Guanrong Chen, Chaos 19, 023112 (2009)
- Stochastic resonance on paced genetic regulatory small-world networks: Effects of asymmetric potentials, Matjaž Perc, Eur. Phys. J. B 69, 147-153 (2009)
- Evolution of cooperation on scale-free networks subject to error and attack, Matjaž Perc, New J. Phys. 11, 033027 (2009)
- Optimal spatial synchronization on scale-free networks via noisy chemical synapses, Matjaž Perc, Biophys. Chem. 141, 175-179 (2009)
- Promoting cooperation in social dilemmas via simple coevolutionary rules, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, Eur. Phys. J. B 67, 337-344 (2009)
- Pacemaker-guided noise-induced spatial periodicity in excitable media, Marko Gosak, Marko Marhl, and Matjaž Perc, Physica D 238, 506-515 (2009)
- Stochastic resonance on Newman-Watts networks of Hodgkin-Huxley neurons with local periodic driving, Mahmut Özer, Matjaž Perc, and Muhammet Uzuntarla, Phys. Lett. A 373, 964-968 (2009)
- Making new connections towards cooperation in the prisoner's dilemma game, Attila Szolnoki, Matjaž Perc, and Zsuzsa Danku, EPL 84, 50007 (2008)
- Restricted connections among distinguished players support cooperation, Matjaž Perc, Attila Szolnoki, and György Szabó, Phys. Rev. E 78, 066101 (2008)
- Stochastic resonance on weakly paced scale-free networks, Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. E 78, 036105 (2008)
- Synchronization transitions on small-world neuronal networks: Effects of information transmission delay and rewiring probability, Qingyun Wang, Zhisheng Duan, Matjaž Perc, and Guanrong Chen, EPL 83, 50008 (2008)
- Stochastic resonance in soft matter systems: Combined effects of static and dynamic disorder, Matjaž Perc, Marko Gosak, and Samo Kralj, Soft Matter 4, 1861-1870 (2008)
- Delay-enhanced coherence of spiral waves in noisy Hodgkin-Huxley neuronal networks, Qingyun Wang, Matjaž Perc, Zhisheng Duan, and Guanrong Chen, Phys. Lett. A 372, 5681-5687 (2008)
- Chaos between stochasticity and periodicity in the prisoner's dilemma game, Marko Gosak, Marko Marhl, and Matjaž Perc, Int. J. Bifurcat. Chaos 18, 869-875 (2008)
- Spatio-temporal modelling explains the effect of reduced plasma membrane Ca2+ efflux on intracellular Ca2+ oscillations in hepatocytes, Marko Marhl, Marko Gosak, Matjaž Perc, C. Jane Dixon, and Anne K. Green, J. Theor. Biol. 252, 419-426 (2008)
- Pacemaker-driven stochastic resonance on diffusive and complex networks of bistable oscillators, Matjaž Perc and Marko Gosak, New J. Phys. 10, 053008 (2008)
- Coevolution of teaching activity promotes cooperation, Attila Szolnoki and Matjaž Perc, New J. Phys. 10, 043036 (2008)
- Spatial coherence resonance on diffusive and small-world networks of Hodgkin-Huxley neurons, Xiaojuan Sun, Matjaž Perc, Qishao Lu, and Jürgen Kurths, Chaos 18, 023102 (2008)
- Exploiting ergodicity for the analysis of short time series, Matjaž Perc, Qingyun Wang, and Zhisheng Duan, Nonlinear Phenom. Complex Syst. 11, 399-402 (2008)
- Chaos out of internal noise in the collective dynamics of diffusively coupled cells, Marko Gosak, Marko Marhl, and Matjaž Perc, Eur. Phys. J. B 62, 171-177 (2008)
- Diversity of reproduction rate supports cooperation in the prisoner's dilemma game on complex networks, Attila Szolnoki, Matjaž Perc, and György Szabó, Eur. Phys. J. B 61, 505-509 (2008)
- Equality of average and steady-state levels in some nonlinear models of biological oscillations, Beate Knoke, Marko Marhl, Matjaž Perc, and Stefan Schuster, Theory Biosci. 127, 1-14 (2008)
- Towards effective payoffs in the prisoner's dilemma game on scale-free networks, Attila Szolnoki, Matjaž Perc, and Zsuzsa Danku, Physica A 387, 2075-2082 (2008)
- Social diversity and promotion of cooperation in the spatial prisoner's dilemma game, Matjaž Perc and Attila Szolnoki, Phys. Rev. E 77, 011904 (2008)
- Establishing the stochastic nature of intracellular calcium oscillations from experimental data, Matjaž Perc, Anne K. Green, C. Jane Dixon, and Marko Marhl, Biophys. Chem. 132, 33-38 (2008)
- Stochastic resonance on excitable small-world networks via a pacemaker, Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. E 76, 066203 (2007)
- Uncertainties facilitate aggressive behavior in a spatial hawk-dove game, Matjaž Perc, Int. J. Bifurcat. Chaos 17, 4223-4227 (2007)
- Proximity to periodic windows in bifurcation diagrams as a gateway to coherence resonance in chaotic systems, Marko Gosak and Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. E 76, 037201 (2007)
- Noise-guided evolution within cyclical interactions, Matjaž Perc and Attila Szolnoki, New J. Phys. 9, 267 (2007)
- Flights towards defection in economic transactions, Matjaž Perc, Econ. Lett. 97, 58-63 (2007)
- Cyclical interactions with alliance-specific heterogeneous invasion rates, Matjaž Perc, Attila Szolnoki, and György Szabó, Phys. Rev. E 75, 052102 (2007)
- Spatial coherence resonance in excitable biochemical media induced by internal noise, Marko Gosak, Marko Marhl, and Matjaž Perc, Biophys. Chem. 128, 210-214 (2007)
- Effects of deterministic waves and small-world connectivity on the noise-induced spatial dynamics of excitable media, Matjaž Perc, Nonlinear Phenom. Complex Syst. 10, 413-416 (2007)
- Singing of Neoconocephalus robustus as an example of deterministic chaos in insects, Tina P. Benko and Matjaž Perc, J. Biosci. 32, 797-804 (2007)
- Periodic calcium waves in coupled cells induced by internal noise, Matjaž Perc, Marko Gosak, and Marko Marhl, Chem. Phys. Lett. 437, 143-147 (2007)
- Microeconomic uncertainties facilitate cooperative alliances and social welfare, Matjaž Perc, Econ. Lett. 95, 104-109 (2007)
- Fluctuating excitability: A mechanism for self-sustained information flow in excitable arrays, Matjaž Perc, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 32, 1118-1124 (2007)
- Irregularity test for very short electrocardiogram (ECG) signals as a method for predicting a successful defibrillation in patients with ventricular fibrillation, Timotej Jagrič, Marko Marhl, Dušan Štajer, Špela Tadel Kocjančič, Tomaž Jagrič, Matej Podbregar, and Matjaž Perc, Transl. Res. 149, 145-151 (2007)
- Transition from Gaussian to Levy distributions of stochastic payoff variations in the spatial prisoner's dilemma game, Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. E 75, 022101 (2007)
- Noise-induced spatial dynamics in the presence of memory loss, Matjaž Perc and Marko Marhl, Physica A 375, 72-80 (2007)
- Effects of small-world connectivity on noise-induced temporal and spatial order in neural media, Matjaž Perc, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 31, 280-291 (2007)
- Premature seizure of traffic flow due to the introduction of evolutionary games, Matjaž Perc, New J. Phys. 9, 3 (2007)
- Spatial coherence resonance in neuronal media with discrete local dynamics, Matjaž Perc, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 31, 64-69 (2007)
- Deterministic chaos in sounds of Asian cicadas, Tina P. Benko and Matjaž Perc, J. Biol. Syst. 14, 555-566 (2006)
- Double resonance in cooperation induced by noise and network variation for an evolutionary prisoner's dilemma, Matjaž Perc, New J. Phys. 8, 183 (2006)
- Chaos promotes cooperation in the spatial prisoner's dilemma game, Matjaž Perc, Europhys. Lett. 75, 841-846 (2006)
- Evolutionary and dynamical coherence resonances in the pair approximated prisoner's dilemma game, Matjaž Perc and Marko Marhl, New J. Phys. 8, 142 (2006)
- Minimal model for spatial coherence resonance, Matjaž Perc and Marko Marhl, Phys. Rev. E 73, 066205 (2006)
- Pacemaker enhanced noise-induced synchrony in cellular arrays, Matjaž Perc and Marko Marhl, Phys. Lett. A 353, 372-377 (2006)
- A minimal model for decoding of time-limited Ca2+ oscillations, Marko Marhl, Matjaž Perc, and Stefan Schuster, Biophys. Chem. 120, 161-167 (2006)
- From stochasticity to determinism in the collective dynamics of diffusively coupled cells, Matjaž Perc, Marko Gosak, and Marko Marhl, Chem. Phys. Lett. 421, 106-110 (2006)
- Coherence resonance in a spatial prisoner's dilemma game, Matjaž Perc, New J. Phys. 8, 22 (2006)
- Determining the flexibility of regular and chaotic attractors, Marko Marhl and Matjaž Perc, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 28, 822-833 (2006)
- Introducing nonlinear time series analysis in undergraduate courses, Matjaž Perc, Fizika A 15, 91-112 (2006)
- Thoughts out of noise, Matjaž Perc, Eur. J. Phys. 27, 451-460 (2006)
- Chaos in temporarily destabilized regular systems with the slow passage effect, Matjaž Perc and Marko Marhl, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 27, 395-403 (2006)
- Spatial decoherence induced by small-world connectivity in excitable media, Matjaž Perc, New J. Phys. 7, 252 (2005)
- Persistency of noise-induced spatial periodicity in excitable media, Matjaž Perc, Europhys. Lett. 72, 712-718 (2005)
- Selective regulation of cellular processes via protein cascades acting as band-pass filters for time-limited oscillations, Marko Marhl, Matjaž Perc, and Stefan Schuster, FEBS Lett. 579, 5461-5465 (2005)
- Nonlinear time series analysis of the human electrocardiogram, Matjaž Perc, Eur. J. Phys. 26, 757-768 (2005)
- Spatial coherence resonance in excitable media, Matjaž Perc, Phys. Rev. E 72, 016207 (2005)
- Visualizing the attraction of strange attractors, Matjaž Perc, Eur. J. Phys. 26, 579-587 (2005)
- Noise-induced spatial periodicity in excitable chemical media, Matjaž Perc, Chem. Phys. Lett. 410, 49-53 (2005)
- The dynamics of human gait, Matjaž Perc, Eur. J. Phys. 26, 525-534 (2005)
- Amplification of information transfer in excitable systems that reside in a steady state near a bifurcation point to complex oscillatory behavior, Matjaž Perc and Marko Marhl, Phys. Rev. E 71, 026229 (2005)
- Detecting chaos from a time series, Stane Kodba, Matjaž Perc, and Marko Marhl, Eur. J. Phys. 26, 205-215 (2005)
- Detecting and controlling unstable periodic orbits that are not part of a chaotic attractor, Matjaž Perc and Marko Marhl, Phys. Rev. E 70, 016204 (2004)
- Local dissipation and coupling properties of cellular oscillators: A case study on calcium oscillations, Matjaž Perc and Marko Marhl, Bioelectrochemistry 62, 1-10 (2004)
- Frequency dependent stochastic resonance in a model for intracellular Ca2+ oscillations can be explained by local divergence, Matjaž Perc and Marko Marhl, Physica A 332, 123-140 (2004)
- Determining the robustness of signal transduction systems: A case study on neurons, Marko Marhl and Matjaž Perc, WSEAS Trans. Biol. Biomed. 1, 379-383 (2004)
- Synchronization of regular and chaotic oscillations: The role of local divergence and the slow passage effect, Matjaž Perc and Marko Marhl, Int. J. Bifurcat. Chaos 14, 2735-2751 (2004)
- Noise enhances robustness of intracellular Ca2+ oscillations, Matjaž Perc and Marko Marhl, Phys. Lett. A 316, 304-310 (2003)
- Resonance effects determine the frequency of bursting Ca2+ oscillations, Matjaž Perc and Marko Marhl, Chem. Phys. Lett. 376, 432-437 (2003)
- Different types of bursting calcium oscillations in non-excitable cells, Matjaž Perc and Marko Marhl, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 18, 759-773 (2003)
- Sensitivity and flexibility of regular and chaotic calcium oscillations, Matjaž Perc and Marko Marhl, Biophys. Chem. 104, 509-522 (2003)